For more information on these items, please refer to the IBM document SC31-8807-02, "z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets
Guide Version 1 Release 5".
- DFHEZA: group containing the EZASOKET definitions for CICS
- EZASOKET (standard interface) threadsafe transation
- EZACICAL: Original COBOL application programming interface
- EZACICSO (Sockets extended module) call-interface APIs
- EZAC: transaction to define/alter/display/delete the CICS/Sockets listeners
- EZAO: transaction to start/stop CICS/Sockets listeners
- EZACIC20: program used in PLTPI/PLTSD or as a linked program to start/stop CICS/Sockets listeners
- EZACICSE: (default security exit, ASCII) can be replaced with your own exit
- EZACIC02: (default listener IPv4) can be replaced by your own listener
- EZACIC04: EBCDIC to ASCII translation program
- EZACIC05: ASCII to EBCDIC translation program
- EZACIC14: EBCDIC to ASCII translation program using a fixed table
- EZACIC15: ASCII to EBCDIC translation program using a fixed table
- EZACIC06: Translates bit-masks into character arrays and character arrays into bit-masks
- EZACIC08: Interprets the variable length address list in the HOSTENT structure returned by GETHOSTBYNAME or GETHOSTBYADDR.
- EZACIC25: Domain Name Server (DNS) cache module emulation