Important: You must install these functions within the database housing your datastores before you can use
dbfhview to create the database views.
Do one of the following:
For Windows: copy
DbfhFuncsDB2.dll, located in the
etc\mfdbfh\dbfhfuncs\x86 (32-bit), or
etc\mfdbfh\dbfhfuncs\x64 (64-bit) sub-folder of the installation folder, into the
\function sub-folder of the PostgreSQL database server's installation folder.
For UNIX, copy, located in the
etc/mfdbfh/dbfhfuncs/x86 (32-bit), or
etc/mfdbfh/dbfhfuncs/x64 (64-bit) sub-folder of the installation folder, into the
/function sub-folder of the PostgreSQL database server's installation folder.
Enterprise Developer, create the functions script: