Ensure your exit module exists in the appropriate forms and has the correct filenames, as described in ESF User Exit File Names.
[Operation] user exit=module base name
The module base name value is the base name of your exit module, as defined in ESF User Exit File Names. It can be prefixed with the path to the module; if not, the module must be in the product's bin directory (32-bit Windows), bin64 directory (64-bit Windows processes), or lib directory (UNIX/Linux). The Operation and user exit keywords are case-insensitive; the filename is case-insensitive on Windows but case-sensitive on UNIX and Linux.
# Enable the "Referential Integrity" user exit [Operation] user exit=saf_refint_exit
(The first line is a comment and can be omitted or changed.)
Enterprise Server includes a command line utility named esfadmin which can be used to perform ESF Admin tasks (adding, removing, modifying, and querying objects in the security data repository) from a command-line session or scripts. Unlike Enterprise Server regions and MFDS, esfadmin does not use a security configuration from Enterprise Server Administration, so you cannot configure an ESF user exit for it using the process described above. Instead you must provide it with a configuration file.
[Operation] user exit=saf_refint_exit