To automatically clean up the temporary storage queues

From Enterprise Developer 5.0 PU4, the CICS TSMODEL can be specified with an EXPIRYINTMIN value that is honored for TS queues that match the PREFIX in that TSMODEL.

When a TS queue is created, if a TSMODEL is found with a PREFIX that matches the TS queue name, the EXPIRYINTMIN value is applied to the queue.

If the TSQ clean up transaction CTSC is not already running, it is started and the SEP becomes transient, with another SEP being started to replace it.

Note: The resource definition file will need to be upgraded to acquire the definition for CTSC. This can be done by issuing the following command:
caspcupg /dp={resource-definition-path}

CTSC scans TSQs every 10 minutes or 10% of the lowest expiry interval found on the previous scan, whichever is larger, but subject to a 60 minute maximum.

If CTSC finds no TSQs with an expiry interval, then the transaction finishes. It will be restarted when another TSQ is written which has an expiry interval.

Recoverable queues and queues that start with 'DF', '$$', '**' or x'FA' through x'FF' are ignored and hence are not deleted even if they have an expiry interval applied to them.

If CTSC ABENDs then it is restarted on the next write to a queue with an expiry interval. This means that expiry intervals in existing queues are ignored until a new TSQ is created with an expiry interval.

In a PAC, CTSC will run in each region that creates a TSQ with an expiry interval, that is, CTSC cannot be configured to run in specific regions.

Note: This support is only available in enterprise server regions that are NOT TRANCLASS enabled.

Only the following attributes of TSMODEL are currently supported:

  • XPREFIX - must be ASCII
  • EXPIRYINT - A TSMODEL with this attribute can be imported by casrdtup, but its value will be converted to minutes. This attribute cannot be used in the creation of a new TSMODEL via the web interface - EXPIRYINTMIN should be used.