Sockets return codes (ERRNOs)

These message numbers and codes are in the TCPERRNO.H include file supplied with TCP/IP Services.

Error number Message name Socket type Error description Programmer's response
1 EAI_NONAME GETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFO NODE or HOST cannot be found. Ensure the NODE or HOST name can be resolved.
1 EDOM All Argument too large. Check parameter values of the function call.
1 EPERM All Permission is denied. No owner exists. Check that TPC/IP is still active; check protocol value of socket () call.
1 EPERM IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL requesting both TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION and TTLS_RESET_ SESSION or both TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION and TTLS_RESET_ CIPHER) The combination of requests specified is not permitted. Request TTLS_RESET_SESSION and TTLS_RESET_CIPHER only when TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION has been previously requested for the connection.
1 EPERM IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL) Denotes one of the following error conditions:
  • The TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION option was requested along with TTLS_RESET_ SESSION or TTLS_RESET_ CIPHER
  • The TTLS_ALLOW_ HSTIMEOUT option was requested without TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION
2 EAI_AGAIN FREEADDRINFO GETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFO For GETADDRINFO, NODE could not be resolved within the configured time interval. For GETNAMEINFO, HOST could not be resolved within the configured time interval. The Resolver address space has not been started. The request can be retried later. Ensure the Resolver is active, then retry the request.
2 ENOENT All The data set or directory was not found. Check files used by the function call.
2 ERANGE All The result is too large. Check parameter values of the function call.
3 EAI_FAIL FREEADDRINFO GETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFO This is an unrecoverable error. NODELEN, HOSTLEN, or SERVLEN is incorrect. For FREEADDRINFO, the resolver storage does not exist. Correct the NODELEN, HOSTLEN, or SERVLEN. Otherwise, call your system administrator.
3 ESRCH All The process was not found. A table entry was not located. Check parameter values and structures pointed to by the function parameters.
4 EAI_OVERFLOW GETNAMEINFO The output buffer for the host name or service name was too small. Increase the size of the buffer to 255 characters, which is the maximum size permitted.
4 EINTR All A system call was interrupted. Check that the socket connection and TCP/IP are still active.
5 EAI_FAMILY GETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFO The AF or the FAMILY is incorrect. Correct the AF or the FAMILY.
5 EIO All An I/O error occurred. Check status and contents of source database if this occurred during a file access.
6 EAI_MEMORY GETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFO The resolver cannot obtain storage to process the host name. Contact your system administrator.
6 ENXIO All The device or driver was not found. Check status of the device attempting to access.
7 E2BIG All The argument list is too long. Check the number of function parameters.
8 EAI_SERVICE GETADDRINFO The SERVICE was not recognized for the specified socket type. Correct the SERVICE.
8 ENOEXEC All An EXEC format error occurred. Check that the target module on an exec call is a valid executable module.
9 EAI_SOCKTYPE GETADDRINFO The SOCTYPE was not recognized. Correct the SOCTYPE.
9 EBADF All An incorrect socket descriptor was specified. Check socket descriptor value. It might be currently not in use or incorrect.
9 EBADF Givesocket The socket has already been given. The socket domain is not AF_INET or AF_INET6. Check the validity of function parameters.
9 EBADF Select One of the specified descriptor sets is an incorrect socket descriptor. Check the validity of function parameters.
9 EBADF Takesocket The socket has already been taken. Check the validity of function parameters.
9 EAI_SOCKTYPE GETADDRINFO The SOCTYPE was not recognized. Correct the SOCTYPE.
10 ECHILD All There are no children. Check if created subtasks still exist.
11 EAGAIN All There are no more processes. Retry the operation. Data or condition might not be available at this time.
12 ENOMEM All There is not enough storage. Check the validity of function parameters.
13 EACCES All Permission denied, caller not authorized. Check access authority of file.
13 EACCES Takesocket The other application (listener) did not give the socket to your application. Permission denied, caller not authorized. Check access authority of file.
13 EACCES IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL) The IOCTL is requesting a function that requires that the socket be mapped to policy that specifies ApplicationControlled On. Check policy and add ApplicationControlled On if the application should be permitted to issue the controlled SIOCTTLSCTL functions.
14 EFAULT All An incorrect storage address or length was specified. Check the validity of function parameters.
14 EFAULT IOCTL (SIOCSAPPLDATA) An abend occurred while attempting to copy the SetADcontainer structure from the address provided in the SetAD_ptr field. Check the validity of function parameters.
15 ENOTBLK All A block device is required. Check device status and characteristics.
16 EBUSY All Listen has already been called for this socket. Device or file to be accessed is busy. Check if the device or file is in use.
17 EEXIST All The data set exists. Remove or rename existing file.
18 EXDEV All This is a cross-device link. A link to a file on another file system was attempted. Check file permissions.
19 ENODEV All The specified device does not exist. Check file name and if it exists.
20 ENOTDIR All The specified directory is not a directory. Use a valid file that is a directory.
21 EISDIR All The specified directory is a directory. Use a valid file that is not a directory.
22 EINVAL All types An incorrect argument was specified. Check the validity of function parameters.
22 EINVAL Multicast Source filter APIs Mix of any-source, source-specific or full-state APIs Specify the correct type of APIs.
22 EINVAL MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_ GROUP, MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE, MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP, MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_ GROUP, MCAST_UNBLOCK_ SOURCE, SIOCGMSFILTER, SIOCSMSFILTER The socket address family or the socket length of the input multicast group or the source IP address is not correct. Specify the correct value.
22 EINVAL SIOCSMSFILTER, SIOCSIPMSFILTER The specified filter mode is not correct. Specify the correct value.
23 ENFILE All Data set table overflow occurred. Reduce the number of open files.
24 EMFILE All The socket descriptor table is full. Check the maximum sockets specified in MAXDESC().
25 ENOTTY All An incorrect device call was specified. Check specified IOCTL() values.
26 ETXTBSY All A text data set is busy. Check the current use of the file.
27 EFBIG All The specified data set is too large. Check size of accessed dataset.
28 ENOSPC All There is no space left on the device. Increase the size of accessed file.
29 ESPIPE All An incorrect seek was attempted. Check the offset parameter for seek operation.
30 EROFS All The data set system is Read only. Access data set for read only operation.
31 EMLINK All There are too many links. Reduce the number of links to the accessed file.
32 EPIPE All The connection is broken. For socket write/send, peer has shut down one or both directions. Reconnect with the peer.
32 EPIPE IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL requesting TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION, TTLS_RESET_CIPHER, or TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION) The TCP connection is not in the established state. Issue the SIOCTTLSCTL IOCTL when the socket is connected.
33 EDOM All The specified argument is too large. Check and correct function parameters.
34 ERANGE All The result is too large. Check function parameter values.
35 EWOULDBLOCK Accept The socket is in nonblocking mode and connections are not queued. This is not an error condition. Reissue Accept().
35 EWOULDBLOCK Read Recvfrom The socket is in nonblocking mode and read data is not available. This is not an error condition. Issue a select on the socket to determine when data is available to be read or reissue the Read()/Recvfrom().
35 EWOULDBLOCK Send Sendto Write The socket is in nonblocking mode and buffers are not available. Issue a select on the socket to determine when data is available to be written or reissue the Send(), Sendto(), or Write().
35 EWOULDBLOCK IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL) The handshake is in progress and the socket is a non-blocking socket. For a non-blocking socket, you can wait for the handshake to complete by issuing Select or Poll for Socket Writable.
36 EINPROGRESS Connect The socket is marked nonblocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately. This is not an error condition. See the Connect() description for possible responses.
36 EINPROGRESS IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL requesting TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION or TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION) The handshake is already in progress and the socket is a non-blocking socket. For a non-blocking socket, you can wait for the handshake to complete by issuing Select or Poll for Socket Writable.
37 EALREADY Connect The socket is marked nonblocking and the previous connection has not been completed. Reissue Connect().
37 EALREADY IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL requesting TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION or TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION) For TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION, the socket is already secure. For TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION, the socket is not secure. Modify the application so that it issues the SIOCTTLSCTL IOCTL that requests TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION only when the socket is not already secure and that requests TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION only when the socket is secure.
37 EALREADY Maxdesc A socket has already been created calling Maxdesc() or multiple calls to Maxdesc(). Issue Getablesize() to query it.
37 EALREADY Setibmopt A connection already exists to a TCP/IP image. A call to SETIBMOPT (IBMTCP_IMAGE), has already been made. Only call Setibmopt() once.
38 ENOTSOCK All A socket operation was requested on a nonsocket connection. The value for socket descriptor was not valid. Correct the socket descriptor value and reissue the function call.
39 EDESTADDRREQ All A destination address is required. Fill in the destination field in the correct parameter and reissue the function call.
40 EMSGSIZE Sendto Sendmsg Send Write The message is too long. It exceeds the IP limit of 64K or the limit set by the setsockopt() call. Either correct the length parameter, or send the message in smaller pieces.
41 EPROTOTYPE All The specified protocol type is incorrect for this socket. Correct the protocol type parameter.
41 EPROTOTYPE IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL) Socket is not a TCP socket. Issue the SIOCTTLSCTL IOCTL on TCP sockets only.
41 EPROTOTYPE IOCTL (SIOCSAPPLDATA) The request was not successful. The socket is not a stream (TCP) socket. Issue the SIOCSAPPLDATA IOCTL on TCP sockets only.
42 ENOPROTOOPT Getsockopt Setsockopt The socket option specified is incorrect or the level is not SOL_SOCKET. Either the level or the specified optname is not supported. Correct the level or optname.
42 ENOPROTOOPT Getibmsockopt Setibmsockopt Either the level or the specified optname is not supported. Correct the level or optname.
43 EPROTONOSUPPORT Socket The specified protocol is not supported. Correct the protocol parameter.
44 ESOCKTNOSUPPORT All The specified socket type is not supported. Correct the socket type parameter.
45 EOPNOTSUPP IOCTL The specified IOCTL command is not supported by this socket API. Correct the IOCTL COMMAND.
45 EOPNOTSUPP GETSOCKOPT The specified GETSOCKOPT OPTNAME option is not supported by this socket API. Correct the GETSOCKOPT OPTNAME option.
45 EOPNOTSUPP IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL requesting TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION, TTLS_RESET_ SESSION, TTLS_RESET_ CIPHER or TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION) Mapped policy indicates that AT-TLS is not enabled for the connection. Modify the policy to enable AT-TLS for the connection.
45 EOPNOTSUPP RECV, RECVFROM, RECVMSG, SEND, SENDTO, SENDMSG The specified flags are not supported on this socket type or protocol. Correct the FLAG.
45 EOPNOTSUPP Accept Givesocket The selected socket is not a stream socket. Use a valid socket.
45 EOPNOTSUPP Listen The socket does not support the Listen call. Change the type on the Socket() call when the socket was created. Listen() only supports a socket type of SOCK_STREAM.
45 EOPNOTSUPP Getibmopt Setibmopt The socket does not support this function call. This command is not supported for this function. Correct the command parameter. See Getibmopt() for valid commands. Correct by ensuring a Listen() was not issued before the Connect().
46 EPFNOSUPPORT All The specified protocol family is not supported or the specified domain for the client identifier is not AF_INET=2. Correct the protocol family.
47 EAFNOSUPPORT Bind Connect Socket The specified address family is not supported by this protocol family. For Socket(), set the domain parameter to AF_INET. For Bind() and Connect(), set Sin_Family in the socket address structure to AF_INET.
47 EAFNOSUPPORT Getclient Givesocket The socket specified by the socket descriptor parameter was not created in the AF_INET domain. The Socket() call used to create the socket should be changed to use AF_INET for the domain parameter.
47 EAFNOSUPPORT IOCTL You attempted to use an IPv4-only ioctl on an AF_INET6 socket. Use the correct socket type for the ioctl or use an ioctl that supports AF_INET6 sockets.
48 EADDRINUSE Bind The address is in a timed wait because a LINGER delay from a previous close or another process is using the address. This error can also occur if the port specified in the bind call has been configured as RESERVED on a port reservation statement in the TCP/IP profile. If you want to reuse the same address, use Setsockopt() with SO_REUSEADDR. Refer to the section about Setsockopt() in z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference for more information. Otherwise, use a different address or port in the socket address structure.
48 EADDRINUSE IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, IP_ADD_SOURCE_ MEMBERSHIP, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_ GROUP The specified multicast address and interface address (or interface index) pair is already in use. Correct the specified multicast address, interface address, or interface index.
49 EADDRNOTAVAIL Bind The specified address is incorrect for this host. Correct the function address parameter.
49 EADDRNOTAVAIL Connect The calling host cannot reach the specified destination. Correct the function address parameter.
49 EADDRNOTAVAIL Multicast APIs The specified multicast address, interface address, or interface index is not correct. Correct the specified address.
49 EADDRNOTAVAIL IP_BLOCK_SOURCE, IP_ADD_SOURCE_ MEMBERSHIP, MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE, MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_ GROUP A duplicate source IP address is specified on the multicast group and interface pair. Correct the specified source IP address.
49 EADDRNOTAVAIL IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE, IP_DROP_SOURCE_ MEMBERSHIP, MCAST_UNBLOCK_ SOURCE, MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_ GROUP A previously blocked source multicast group cannot be found. Correct the specified address.
50 ENETDOWN All The network is down. Retry when the connection path is up.
51 ENETUNREACH Connect The network cannot be reached. Ensure that the target application is active.
52 ENETRESET All The network dropped a connection on a reset. Reestablish the connection between the applications.
53 ECONNABORTED All The software caused a connection abend. Reestablish the connection between the applications.
54 ECONNRESET All The connection to the destination host is not available. N/A
54 ECONNRESET Send Write The connection to the destination host is not available. The socket is closing. Issue Send() or Write() before closing the socket.
55 ENOBUFS All No buffer space is available. Check the application for massive storage allocation call.
55 ENOBUFS Accept Not enough buffer space is available to create the new socket. Call your system administrator.
55 ENOBUFS Send Sendto Write Not enough buffer space is available to send the new message. Call your system administrator.
55 ENOBUFS IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL TTLS_Version1 requesting TTLS_RETURN_ CERTIFICATE or TTLS_Version2 query) The buffer size provided is too small. For TTLS_Version1 use the returned certificate length to allocate a larger buffer and reissue IOCTL with the larger buffer.
55 ENOBUFS Takesocket Not enough buffer space is available to create the new socket. Call your system administrator.
55 ENOBUFS IOCTL (SIOCSAPPLDATA) There is no storage available to store the associated data. Call your system administrator.
55 ENOBUFS IP_BLOCK_SOURCE, IP_ADD_SOURCE_ MEMBERSHIP, MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE, MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_ GROUP, SIOCSIPMSFILTER, SIOCSMSFILTER, setipv4sourcefilter, setsourcefilter A maximum of 64 source filters can be specified per multicast address, interface address pair. Remove unneeded source IP addresses and reenter the command.
56 EISCONN Connect The socket is already connected. Correct the socket descriptor on Connect() or do not issue a Connect() twice for the socket.
57 ENOTCONN All The socket is not connected. Connect the socket before communicating.
57 ENOTCONN IOCTL (SIOCTTLSCTL) The socket is not connected. Issue the SIOCTTLSCTL IOCTL only after the socket is connected.
58 ESHUTDOWN All A Send cannot be processed after socket shutdown. Issue read/receive before shutting down the read side of the socket.
59 ETOOMANYREFS All There are too many references. A splice cannot be completed. Call your system administrator.
59 ETOOMANYREFS IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, IP_ADD_SOURCE_ MEMBERSHIP, MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_ GROUP, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP A maximum of 20 multicast groups per single UDP socket or a maximum of 256 multicast groups per single RAW socket can be specified. Remove unneeded multicast groups and reenter the command.
60 ETIMEDOUT Connect The connection timed out before it was completed. Ensure the server application is available.
61 ECONNREFUSED Connect The requested connection was refused. Ensure server application is available and at specified port.
62 ELOOP All There are too many symbolic loop levels. Reduce symbolic links to specified file.
63 ENAMETOOLONG All The file name is too long. Reduce size of specified file name.
64 EHOSTDOWN All The host is down. Restart specified host.
65 EHOSTUNREACH All There is no route to the host. Set up network path to specified host and verify that host name is valid.
66 ENOTEMPTY All The directory is not empty. Clear out specified directory and reissue call.
67 EPROCLIM All There are too many processes in the system. Decrease the number of processes or increase the process limit.
68 EUSERS All There are too many users on the system. Decrease the number of users or increase the user limit.
69 EDQUOT All The disk quota has been exceeded. Call your system administrator.
70 ESTALE All An old NFS** data set handle was found. Call your system administrator.
71 EREMOTE All There are too many levels of remote in the path. Call your system administrator.
72 ENOSTR All The device is not a stream device. Call your system administrator.
73 ETIME All The timer has expired. Increase timer values or reissue function.
74 ENOSR All There are no more stream resources. Call your system administrator.
75 ENOMSG All There is no message of the desired type. Call your system administrator.
76 EBADMSG All The system cannot read the message. Verify that z/OS Communications Server installation was successful and that message files were properly loaded.
77 EIDRM All The identifier has been removed. Call your system administrator.
78 EDEADLK All A deadlock condition has occurred. Call your system administrator.
78 EDEADLK Select Selectex None of the sockets in the socket descriptor sets are either AF_INET or AF_IUCV sockets and there is no timeout value or no ECB specified. The select/selectex would never complete. Correct the socket descriptor sets so that an AF_INET or AF_IUCV socket is specified. A timeout or ECB value can also be added to avoid the select/selectex from waiting indefinitely.
79 ENOLCK All No record locks are available. Call your system administrator.
80 ENONET All The requested machine is not on the network. Call your system administrator.
81 ERREMOTE All The object is remote. Call your system administrator.
82 ENOLINK All The link has been severed. Release the sockets and reinitialize the client-server connection.
83 EADV All An ADVERTISE error has occurred. Call your system administrator.
84 ESRMNT All An SRMOUNT error has occurred. Call your system administrator.
85 ECOMM All A communication error has occurred on a Send call. Call your system administrator.
86 EPROTO All A protocol error has occurred. Call your system administrator.
  • A TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION request has not been received for the connection
  • TTLS_RESET_ CIPHER or TTLS_STOP_ CIPHER was requested on a connection that is secured using SSL version 2.
  • TTLS_ALLOW_ HSTIMEOUT was requested but the policy has the HandshakeRole value client or the HandshakeTimeout is 0.
Request TTLS_INIT_ CONNECTION prior to requesting TTLS_RESET_SESSION or TTLS_RESET_CIPHER. Request TTLS_RESET_CIPHER or TTLS_STOP_ CONNECTION only on connections secured using SSL version 3 or TLS version 1. Request TTLS_ALLOW_ HSTIMEOUT only when the security type is TTLS_SEC_SERVER or higher and the HandshakeTimeout is not 0.
87 EMULTIHOP All A multihop address link was attempted. Call your system administrator.
88 EDOTDOT All A cross-mount point was detected. This is not an error. Call your system administrator.
89 EREMCHG All The remote address has changed. Call your system administrator.
90 ECONNCLOSED All The connection was closed by a peer. Check that the peer is running.
113 EBADF All Socket descriptor is not in correct range. The maximum number of socket descriptors is set by MAXDESC(). The default range is 0-49. Reissue function with corrected socket descriptor.
113 EBADF Bind socket The socket descriptor is already being used. Correct the socket descriptor.
113 EBADF Givesocket The socket has already been given. The socket domain is not AF_INET. Correct the socket descriptor.
113 EBADF Select One of the specified descriptor sets is an incorrect socket descriptor. Correct the socket descriptor. Set on Select() or Selectex().
113 EBADF Takesocket The socket has already been taken. Correct the socket descriptor.
113 EBADF Accept A Listen() has not been issued before the Accept(). Issue Listen() before Accept().
121 EINVAL All An incorrect argument was specified. Check and correct all function parameters.
121 EINVAL IOCTL (SIOCSAPPLDATA) The input parameter is not a correctly formatted SetApplData structure.
  • The SetAD_eye1 value is not valid.
  • The SetAD_ver value is not valid.
  • The storage pointed to by SetAD_ptr does not contain a correctly formatted SetADcontainer structure.
  • The SetAD_eye2 value is not valid.
  • The SetAD_len value contains an incorrect length for the SetAD_ver version of the SetADcontainer structure.
Check and correct all function parameters.
145 E2BIG All The argument list is too long. Eliminate excessive number of arguments.
156 EMVSINITIAL All Process initialization error.

This indicates an z/OS® UNIX® process initialization failure. This is usually an indication that a proper OMVS RACF® segment is not defined for the user ID associated with application. The RACF OMVS segment may not be defined or may contain errors such as an improper HOME() directory specification.

Attempt to initialize again. After ensuring that an OMVS Segment is defined, if the errno is still returned, call your MVS™ system programmer to have IBM® service contacted.
1002 EIBMSOCKOUTOFRANGE Socket A socket number assigned by the client interface code is out of range. Check the socket descriptor parameter.
1003 EIBMSOCKINUSE Socket A socket number assigned by the client interface code is already in use. Use a different socket descriptor.
1004 EIBMIUCVERR All The request failed because of an IUCV error. This error is generated by the client stub code. Ensure IUCV/VMCF is functional.
1008 EIBMCONFLICT All This request conflicts with a request already queued on the same socket. Cancel the existing call or wait for its completion before reissuing this call.
1009 EIBMCANCELLED All The request was canceled by the CANCEL call. Informational, no action needed.
1011 EIBMBADTCPNAME All A TCP/IP name that is not valid was detected. Correct the name specified in the IBM_TCPIMAGE structure.
1011 EIBMBADTCPNAME Setibmopt A TCP/IP name that is not valid was detected. Correct the name specified in the IBM_TCPIMAGE structure.
1011 EIBMBADTCPNAME INITAPI A TCP/IP name that is not valid was detected. Correct the name specified on the IDENT option TCPNAME field.
1012 EIBMBADREQUESTCODE All A request code that is not valid was detected. Contact your system administrator.
1013 EIBMBADCONNECTIONSTATE All A connection token that is not valid was detected; bad state. Verify TCP/IP is active.
1014 EIBMUNAUTHORIZEDCALLER All An unauthorized caller specified an authorized keyword. Ensure user ID has authority for the specified operation.
1015 EIBMBADCONNECTIONMATCH All A connection token that is not valid was detected. There is no such connection. Verify TCP/IP is active.
1016 EIBMTCPABEND All An abend occurred when TCP/IP was processing this request. Verify that TCP/IP has restarted.
1023 EIBMTERMERROR All Encountered a terminating error while processing. Call your system administrator.
1026 EIBMINVDELETE All Delete requestor did not create the connection. Delete the request from the process that created it.
1027 EIBMINVSOCKET All A connection token that is not valid was detected. No such socket exists. Call your system programmer.
1028 EIBMINVTCPCONNECTION All Connection terminated by TCP/IP. The token was invalidated by TCP/IP. Reestablish the connection to TCP/IP.
1032 EIBMCALLINPROGRESS All Another call was already in progress. Reissue after previous call has completed.
1036 EIBMNOACTIVETCP All TCP/IP is not installed or not active. Correct TCP/IP name used.
1036 EIBMNOACTIVETCP Getibmopt No TCP/IP image was found. Ensure TCP/IP is active.
1037 EIBMINVTSRBUSERDATA All The request control block contained data that is not valid. Call your system programmer.
1038 EIBMINVUSERDATA All The request control block contained user data that is not valid. Check your function parameters and call your system programmer.
1040 EIBMSELECTEXPOST SELECTEX SELECTEX passed an ECB that was already posted. Check whether the user's ECB was already posted.
1121 ECONNRESET The connection was reset, usually because the firewall has detected inactivity and the has time period expired.
2001 EINVALIDRXSOCKETCALL REXX™ A syntax error occurred in the RXSOCKET parameter list. Correct the parameter list passed to the REXX socket call.
2002 ECONSOLEINTERRUPT REXX A console interrupt occurred. Retry the task.
2003 ESUBTASKINVALID REXX The subtask ID is incorrect. Correct the subtask ID on the INITIALIZE call.
2004 ESUBTASKALREADYACTIVE REXX The subtask is already active. Only issue the INITIALIZE call once in your program.
2005 ESUBTASKALNOTACTIVE REXX The subtask is not active. Issue the INITIALIZE call before any other socket call.
2006 ESOCKNETNOTALLOCATED REXX The specified socket could not be allocated. Increase the user storage allocation for this job.
2007 EMAXSOCKETSREACHED REXX The maximum number of sockets has been reached. Increase the number of allocate sockets, or decrease the number of sockets used by your program.
2009 ESOCKETNOTDEFINED REXX The socket is not defined. Issue the SOCKET call before the call that fails.
2011 EDOMAINSERVERFAILURE REXX A Domain Name Server failure occurred. Call your MVS system programmer.
2012 EINVALIDNAME REXX An incorrect name was received from the TCP/IP server. Call your MVS system programmer.
2013 EINVALIDCLIENTID REXX An incorrect clientid was received from the TCP/IP server. Call your MVS system programmer.
2014 ENIVALIDFILENAME REXX An error occurred during NUCEXT processing. Specify the correct translation table file name, or verify that the translation table is valid.
2016 EHOSTNOTFOUND REXX The host is not found. Call your MVS system programmer.
2017 EIPADDRNOTFOUND REXX Address not found. Call your MVS system programmer.
3412 ENODATA Message does not exist.
3416 ELINKED Stream is linked.
3419 ERECURSE Recursive attempt rejected.
3420 EASYNC Asynchronous I/O scheduled. This is a normal, internal event that is NOT returned to the user.
3448 EUNATCH The protocol required to support the specified address family is not available.
3464 ETERM Operation terminated.
3474 EUNKNOWN Unknown system state.
3495 EBADOBJ You attempted to reference a object that does not exist.
3513 EOUTOFSTATE Protocol engine has received a command that is not acceptable in its current state.