CICS-Specific Environment Variables

These environment variables relate to configuring the CICS environment.

Note: The Environment variables in alphabetical order topic contains the values for most environment variables.
Variable Description
CICS_SIT The name of the SIT used by the region
ES_ABORT_PLTPI_ERROR Enables the user to set the error on which to abort PLTPI processing, bypassing the prompt. See ES_ABORT_PLTPI_ERROR in Environment variables in alphabetical order for details.
ES_CICS_SINGLE Configures CICS so that a user can only log on once
ES_CLASS_XPCT Overrides the default CICS PCT resource class
ES_CLASS_XCMD Overrides the default CICS CMD resource class
ES_CLASS_XDCT Overrides the default CICS DCT resource class
ES_CLASS_XFCT Overrides the default CICS FCT resource class
ES_CLASS_XJCT Overrides the default CICS JCT resource class
ES_CLASS_XPPT Overrides the default CICS PPT resource class
ES_CLASS_XPSB Overrides the default CICS PSB resource class
ES_CLASS_XRES Overrides the default CICS DOCTEMPLATE resource class
ES_CLASS_XTST Overrides the default CICS TST resource class
ES_CLASS_XTRAN Overrides the default CICS TRAN resource class
ES_DISABLE_DFLTUSR_SIGNON Disables the default user ("mfuser") signon when invoking ES Monitor & Control.
ES_ECI_MAX_RESP Specifies the maximum expected response size (in bytes) to use when using Micro Focus ECI support to invoke CICS programs.
ES_ESM_CMDSEC Indicates whether CICS processing honors the CMDSEC option specified on a transaction's PLT definition
ES_ESM_PLTPIUSR The user id under which PLT programs run during CICS initialization
ES_ESM_RESSEC Indicates whether CICS processing honors the RLS security setting specified on a transaction definition (PCT)
ES_ESM_SECPRFX Indicates whether CICS processing prefixes the resource names when making security queries.
Note: The environment variable ES_ESM_SECPRFX is only applied to CICS classes.
ES_ESM_XUSER Indicates whether CICS processing performs surrogate user checks
ES_EUSA_SIZE Sets the size of the extended user storage area, allowing large memory allocations to be set using the GETMAIN SHARED command. Set this variable to a numeric value representing the number of MB.
ES_JES_FREE_SSTM_SYSOUT When set to Y, decreases the amount of memory used when processing CICS spool datasets in an SSTM enterprise server.
ES_LE370_SUPPORT Enables support for Language Environment (LE) in CICS applications
ES_MQ_1PC Indicates whether the WebSphere MQ switch module ESMQXA should operate in one-phase commit mode. Set this environment variable only when advised to do so by Micro Focus.
ES_MQ_LIB The full name including the path of the IBM WebSphere MQ client or server library.
Important: In AIX environments the library is an object inside a shared object. For example
ES_MQ_LIB_T The full name including the path of the IBM WebSphere MQ client or server library, for threaded environments
ES_MQ_LIB_XA The full name including the path of the IBM WebSphere MQ XA library
Important: In AIX environments the library is an object inside a shared object. For example:
ES_MQ_LIB_XA_T The full name including the path of the IBM WebSphere MQ XA library, for threaded environments
ES_MQ_XA Specifies whether the two-phase commit protocol uses a static or dynamic XA structure
ES_PLI_SUPPORT Tells the CICS Emulation that it needs to load its subsystem support for PL/I user programs. The default value is "N".
ES_SSTM_CICS Location of the JCL used to initialize the SSTM CICS environment.
ES_SURROGATE_JOB_USER Associates a user ID with a job when submitting the job for processing through the internal reader from CICS.
ES_TEST_TRANCLASS Activates transaction class support.
ES_TRANCLASS_CWI For CICS Web Interface and CICS Web Services, enables the prioritizing and limiting of Web requests in a TRANCLASS-enabled region.
ES_USR_DFLT_CICS Allows you to override the default user when no user is logged on for CICS authentication.
ES_XA_%xaname%_OPTIONS Set for each RM that you require to operate in a multiple attempt mode. See ES_XA_%xaname%_OPTIONS in Environment variables in alphabetical order for details.
Dependency: Must be set along with ES_XA_RECONNECT=Y.
ES_XA_ABEND Recycles non-batch SEPs when a severe error is returned on an xa-start by an Oracle switch.
ES_XA_RECONNECT Set this to configure the XA reconnect process to operate in a single attempt mode. See ES_XA_RECONNECT in Environment variables in alphabetical order for details.
TXTRANP The location of the CICS application object files.