COBEC1240 - COBEC1259
COBEC1240E <opt> required in OSVS for Length specification
option is required in OSVS COBOL programs to provide a length specification.
COBEC1241W <opt> specifies length for an option not present
The option
is a length specification that gives the size of area for some other option which has been omitted.
COBEC1242E MAP(literal) or FROM or MAPONLY is required
On a SEND MAP command, a data area is required for the user data to be mapped when MAPONLY is not specified.
COBEC1243W CSA option returns NULL - Non-portable usage
The EXEC CICS ADDRESS CSA option will always return a null pointer/address value in the emulation.
COBEC1244S use of SOAPFAULT API requires ECM SPFAULT directive to be set
The EXEC CICS SOAPFAULT CREATE/ADD API requires the ECM SPFAULT directive to be set.
Parent topic:
COBEC - CICS API Preprocessor Error Messages