COBEC1120 - COBEC1139
COBEC1120E <literal> is invalid here
A numeric or character literal was encountered following another literal or data-name in a context (i.e. not a subscript list) where it is invalid.
COBEC1121E <colon> is invalid here
A colon was encountered where it is invalid (i.e. not in a reference modification).
COBEC1122E Closing quote missing from alphanumeric literal
No closing apostrophe (or quote) was found for a character string literal.
COBEC1123W 'quotation mark' or 'apostrophe' used as string delimiter with 'APOST' or 'QUOTE' directive - accepted
The specified character was used as a character string delimiter when the alternative delimiter was in effect according to the specified directive.
COBEC1124S Operand <data-name> is not declared
The specified data-name was not declared in the data division.
COBEC1125S Operand <data-name> is not unique
The specified data-name was not unique.
Parent topic:
COBEC - CICS API Preprocessor Error Messages