CASXB0060 - CASXB0079
CASXB0060I Found a pattern of duplicate names; repeating as a group
In SDF-mode, if the parser encounters a repeated pattern of alternate-names (comment-card names), it will attempt to render them into an instance of a repeated group definition.
CASXB0061E <literal-string> literal contains unbalanced or extraneous quotes
The value
does not have a closing quote, or contains one or more extraneous quotes.
CASXB0062W Ignoring invalid ATTRB value "<attrb-value>"
is not a valid ATTRB value.
CASXB0063E A valid POS operand is required for a DFHMDF macro
The field definition did not have a valid POS (position) specified, so cannot be rendered properly.
CASXB0064E ADVS field repeated in 3 dimensions. Collapsing into 2.
An SDF-type repeated field definition, within a repeated group definition (defined or implied), contains a BMS OCCURS clause.
CASXB0065W Painter cannot regen ADVS 2-dim arrays. Generate using SDF mode.
The BMS is processing in ADVS-mode, and contains a comment of the form "* fieldname(horiz-occ)(vert-occ)" or "* fieldname(vert-occ)" and an OCCURS= clause.
CASXB0066W Name "<label>" exceeds 30 characters - truncated
Names (labels) for fields (and compound fields) cannot exceed 30 characters.
CASXB0067W Duplicate BMS label <old-name>
Names (labels) used for the mapset, maps, fields and GRPNAME (compound-fields) must be unique within a mapset.
CASXB0068E PICIN/PICOUT can only be specified when LANG=COBOL or PLI
PICIN and PICOUT specifications are only allowed for COBOL and PL/I installations.
CASXB0069E PICIN cannot be specified with MODE=OUT
A PICIN specification is not valid for an output-only map.
CASXB0070E PICOUT cannot be specified with MODE=IN
A PICOUT specification is not valid for an input-only map.
CASXB0071E PICIN is illegal at character <pic-pos>
The PICIN value is not a valid input picture clause for the selected language.
CASXB0072E PICOUT is illegal at character <pic-pos>
The PICOUT value is not a valid output picture clause for the selected language.
CASXB0073E PICIN/PICOUT string cannot exceed 32 characters
Picture strings greater than 32 token-characters cannot be properly edited.
CASXB0074S ASCII/EBCDIC conversion error, rc=return-code
A system error occurred while translating a string from ASCII to EBCDIC, or vice-versa.
CASXB0075W Option option-name is not supported by the emulator
was found in the source deck, but will not be supported by CICS emulation.
CASXB0076E parameter value cannot exceed max-size character(s)
was found to contain a value that exceeded
Parent topic:
CASXB - CICS BMS Macro Processor Error Messages