CASSI5000 - CASSI5019
CASSI5000I PLTPI Phase plt-phase List(plt-name) Processing Started
Startup PLT processing has started using the
CASSI5001I PLTPI Phase plt-phase - No PLT Specified
Startup PLT processing was entered, but no list was specified.
CASSI5002S PLTPI - PLT List Open Error
The Resource Definition file could not be opened to read the PLTPI program list table.
CASSI5003S PLTPI Phase plt-phase - PLT List Read Error
The specified PLTPI program list table could not be found in the Resource Definition file.
CASSI5004S PLTPI Phase plt-phase - PLT List not in PPT
The specified PLTPI program list table was not present in the installed PPT.
CASSI5005S PLTPI Phase plt-phase List(plt-name) Program=program abend
A transaction program abend occurred in the
program of the
list during Phase 2 PLTPI processing.
CASSI5006S PLTPI Phase plt-phase List(plt-name) PLT program program not found
The named program specified could not be found and resulted in a PGMIDERR.
CASSI5007E Severe shared memory storage constraint during region startup, region terminating
The system shared memory resource limit has been reached.
CASSI5008E Severe error occurred during PLTPI processing, region terminating
During PLTPI (phase 1) processing a severe error was detected, either a PLTPI program could not be loaded or an ABEND occurred The startup regime specified that the region initialization should be aborted.
CASSI5010I PLTPI Phase plt-phase List(plt-name) Processing Completed
All run-once (phase 1) and all run-on-every-SEP (phase 2) PLT PI (Program List Table Post Initialization) programs have run on this SEP successfully.
CASSI5012I Successfully negotiated with ES Cluster manager APPLID of ES Cluster manager
The ES cluster member has successfully negotiated with the ES Cluster manager.
CASSI5013W Warning failed to negotiate with node APPLID of node., Reason for negotiation failure e.g. catalog path mismatch.
All nodes must have the same catalog and data set paths as the ES Cluster manager.
CASSI5014S Severe error in ES Cluster negotiation with APPLID of ES Cluster manager. (Reason for negotiation failure e.g. catalog path mismatch.), region terminating
All nodes must have the same catalog and data set paths as the ES Cluster manager.
Parent topic:
CASSI - CICS System Initialization Error Messages