CASAM1020 - CASAM1039
CASAM1020W Error opening file (file-id) group (group-id) - status=(file-status-1,file-status-2)
A file marked as Start Open / Enabled could not be opened in system initialization due to the I/O error specified in file-status.
CASAM1030I CNCL Usage: CNCL {program-name} {NW}
No input was supplied with the transaction.
CASAM1031I Zero length input for CNCL at terminal-id, user user-id
The transaction CNCL started on the terminal but there was no input data.
CASAM1032W Invalid CNCL initiation at terminal-id, user user-id
The transaction CNCL started on the terminal but the start was not a valid start.
CASAM1033E Invalid cancel request at terminal-id, PPT entry found for program program-name, user user-id
The program name passed to CNCL was found as a PPT entry.
CASAM1035I CNCL request for program program-name issued at terminal-id, user user-id
The program release request was issued successfully.
CASAM1036W CNCL request for program program-name failed at terminal-id, user user-id
The program release request failed.
Parent topic:
CASAM - CICS Region Management Error Messages