This error indicates one of the following:
- The sequence number in the file headers is greater than that in the log file. This indicates that updates have been applied
to the files, without the updates being logged in the log file. Because the log file does not contain all of the updates,
it is not possible to perform a rollforward recovery. This also indicates that the rollforward recovery is trying to use the
wrong versions of the files.
- The first sequence number in the recovery log file is larger than the sequence number in the file headers. This indicates
that updates have been written to the log file but they have not been applied to the data files. It is not possible to apply
the updates from the recovery log file because the versions of the data files and the recovery log file do not match.
Ensure that the correct versions of the data and rollforward recovery log file are being used.
See the section Database Sequence Numbering in the chapter Database Integrity for more information.