ADM0080 - ADM0099
ADM0080I Datastore 'datastore-url' has been successfully verified
The datastore's integrity has been checked and no problems have been detected!
ADM0081I Removed orphaned record locks: file name='file-name', folder='folder-name', count=record-locks-count
Details of a orphaned record locks associated with a given file that have been removed.
ADM0082I Removed orphaned record locks: sequential files, count=record-locks-count
Details of a orphaned record locks associated with (line-)sequential files that have been removed.
ADM0083I Datastore 'datastore-url' has been successfully verified, and no recovery required
The datastore's integrity has been checked, no problems have been detected, so no recovery was required!
ADM0084E Must specify -name:<region-name> with -region -status
dbfhadmin command-line must include -usedb:<instance> with -region -recover/-list/-status.
ADM0085S An error occurred while processing the status of region region-name: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to process the status the given region.
ADM0088E Must specify -usedb:<instance> with -diags
dbfhadmin command-line must include -usedb:<instance> with -diags.
ADM0089E Must specify -name:<region-name> with -diags
dbfhadmin command-line must include -name:<region-name> with -diags.
ADM0090S An error occurred while generating diagnostics for the region-name region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to generate fiagnostics for the given region.
ADM0091I Diagnostics for region 'region-name' written to file 'file-name'
The region diagnostics were successfully output to a file.
ADM0092E Cannot specify both -datastore:<url> or -usedb:<instance> with -verify
dbfhadmin command-line includes both -datastore:<url> and -usedb:<instance> with -verify.
ADM0093E Must specify -name:<region-name> with -verify -usedb:<instance>
dbfhadmin command-line must include -name:<region-name> with -verify -usedb:<instance>.
ADM0094S An error occurred while verifying the integrity of the region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to verify the integrity the region and cross-region database.
ADM0095I Region 'region-name' has been successfully verified
The region's integrity has been checked and no problems have been detected!
ADM0096I Region 'region-name' has been successfully verified, and no recovery required
The region's integrity has been checked and no problems have been detected, so no recovery was required!
ADM0097I Removed orphaned resource lock and/or associated records: orphaned-record-count
Details of orphaned resource lock and/or associated records that have been removed.
ADM0098I Restored CSA record
Indication that the CSA record has been restored in the region database.
ADM0099W Unable to recover processes for region 'region-name' - not configured
Region name.
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