ALLOW-HYPHEN Enables the preprocessor to allow hyphens in SQL identifiers.
APOST Causes the preprocessor to recognize apostrophes to delimit literals for quote character in SQL statements.
AUTHID Causes the preprocessor to include code at SQL initialization that sets the value of your current SQLID to any valid authorization
AUTOBIND Causes the preprocessor to automatically call the SQL Option Bind utility from within the debugging session after the compiler
finishes generating the DBRM if no SQL errors were detected and if the DBRM preprocessor directive was set.
AUTOCLOSE Causes the SQL Option Server to automatically open and close statements after an insert, update, or delete command.
BEHAVIOR Causes the SQL Option preprocessor to emulate the behavior of either the DB2 preprocessor or coprocessor.
BLOCKING Specifies the type of block fetching to use.
CHANGE-CONTROL Controls package creation during the bind process.
COLLECTION-ID Specifies the collection at the remote DRDA server where the package will be bound.
CONCAT Specifies the ANSI character code to use for the CONCAT symbol (|).
COPY Causes the precompiler to expand copybooks included in your source code using standard COBOL COPY statements. Allows EXEC
SQL statements and use of host variables to be defined within a COPY statement.
CTRACE Creates a trace file for submission to technical support if requested.
DATE Specifies the date format to be used with this program.
DB2 Causes the SQL Option Server to return DB2 error codes and messages when compiling and running, and to close all open cursors
at COMMIT and ROLLBACK (the DB2 standard).
DB2CLOSE Causes the SQL Option Server to close all open statements and cursors at COMMIT and ROLLBACK (the DB2 standard).
DB2ERROR Causes the SQL Option Server to return DB2 error codes and messages when the program is compiled or executed.
DB2VER (Deprecated) Specifies the DB2 version used by the SQL Option preprocessor for syntax checking.
DBRM Causes the SQL Option preprocessor to generate one or more DBRM files.
DECLARE Tells the preprocessor that host variables are declared in a BEGIN/END DECLARE section of a COBOL program.
DEFAULT-CHAR Specifies character subtype for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.
DIRECTIVES Causes the SQL Option preprocessor to read the preprocessor directives contained in a separate user-created directives file
or in the EXEC SQL options specified in the Build settings.
ENCODING Overrides character encoding translations.
EXIST-CHECK Specifies whether to create a package if some DBRM objects do not exist.
FILLSYSCAT Causes the preprocessor to insert information about EXEC SQL statement in the program into the SYSDBRM and SYSSTMT system
catalog tables when the COBOL program is compiled.
GENSQLCA Generates a SQLCA structure in the program if none is defined.
GRANT-EXECUTE Specifies AUTHID to grant execute privileges on the package to.
IGNORE-NESTED Specifies in programs with nested subroutines, the program-id at which to start generating database interface code.
ISOLATION-LEVEL Controls the way in which locks are acquired and released by the system.
LIBINCLUDE Causes the precompiler to expand and include copybooks coded with ++INCLUDE or –INC syntax.
LOCATION Specifies the location to which a DBRM is bound when the AUTOBIND preprocessor directive is used.
MAXSQL Specifies the maximum number of EXEC SQL statements the preprocessor can handle.
NEVERCLOSE This directive prevents the closing of open statements or cursors at commit or rollback.
NOFOR Causes the SQL Option run-time not to require FOR UPDATE clause in DECLARE CURSOR statements when UPDATE CURRENT OF CURSOR
is specified.
NOT Specifies the ASCII character code to use for NOT character (¬).
OPTIMIZE This directive optimizes the code generated by the precompiler specifically for use on either PC or mainframe.
PACKAGE-OWNER Specifies the AuthID assigned to the package. This AuthID must have authority to execute all the SQL in the package.
PKGSET Causes the SQL Option run-time program to send additional information to set the current package set.
QUOTE Causes the preprocessor to recognize double quotes to delimit literals for quote character in SQL statements.
SAVE-RETURN-CODE Causes the SQL Option precompiler to save and then restore RETURN-CODE when calling SQL Option functions
SQLDA-VER The SQLDA structure used in the program for dynamic SQL statements.
SQLDS Allows the SQL Option Server to accept a PREPARE statement before a DECLARE statement in your source code (which is allowed
in SQL/DS)
STRICT-DB2 Enforces strict support for certain DB2 features that are generally permitted in default DB2 mode.
TIME Specifies the time format to be used with this program.
VALIDATE Causes the SQL Option preprocessor to verify all data objects referenced in your program's embedded SQL statements against
the SQL Option system tables.
VALIDATE-ERR-LVL Specifies the error level to use for errors produced when the VALIDATE directive is used.
VALIDATE-LOGIN Causes the SQL Option preprocessor to ensure communications with an SQL Option Server prior to attempting to validate any
SQL statements. If the log in fails, a fatal error is generated.
VERSION Specifies the new version identifier for a replacement package.
XDBFUNCS Allows use of all SQL Option commands (including SQL Option extensions) in embedded SQL.