Catalog Window

To view the Catalog of a JCL-enabled enterprise server within the IDE:

List of catalog items

The Catalog details pane enables you to:

  • (Delete selected) - delete selected items.
  • New) - add new catalog items. When you click this button, you need to provide the DS name and physical file path for the new catalog:

  • (Toggle two column layout) - show or hide the details of the catalog.
  • Search bar - enables you to search for specific catalog names, or use the downward arrow and the checkboxes to show Cataloged Only and or Disable Additional Qualifiers.

  • List of catalogs:
    • Click the column names to sort this list by DS ORG or DS Name.
    • Hover the end of the DS ORG column header and click the filter icon, then select your filters:

    • Hover the end of the DS Name column header and click the filter icon, then specify a filter criteria:

    • Click on a catalog entry to view its details in the right-hand side pane.
    • Double-click a catalog entry to open its details in the main pane. You need to click (Home) to return to the full list of catalogs.
    • For Partition Organized (PO) catalog entries, click (List) to see the entries they contain. You need to click (Home) to return to the full list of catalogs.

Catalog details pane

From the catalog details pane you can:

  • (Refresh) - refresh the information in the catalog details pane.
  • (Apply) - apply any changes you have made to the catalog.
  • (Copy) - create a duplicate of the catalog.
  • (Open With Data File Tools) - open the catalog entry in the Micro Focus Data File Tools utility, or click the downwards arrow and choose one of the following options to open the file with:
    • Open with Visual Studio - open the catalog file with Visual Studio.
    • Open with Default Program - open the catalog file with the default program for .DAT files for your machine.
    • View and change the details of the catalog. Click Details to see the contents of the file.
Note: You can access the Catalog directly in the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) UI as well.