Set Up the ESACCTCL Enterprise Server Region

Provides step-by-step instructions to complete the creation and configuration of the ESACCTCL enterprise server regionon which to run the ACCT Web-enabled client and server.

Start the Server Explorer

The Server Explorer expandable ribbon is visible in Visual Studio on the top left side of the IDE by default when using Enterprise Developer. However, if it is not visible:

  • In Visual Studio, click View > Server Explorer.
Attention: You might encounter an Enterprise Server Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server region from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured box is unchecked, and then click OK. Also, if prompted to disable password recovery, click No.

Create the ESACCTCL enterprise server region

  1. In the Server Explorer, right-click localhost, and then select New Enterprise Server.
  2. In the Name field, type ESACCTCL . This is the name for the new enterprise server region.
  3. Check 64-bit.
  4. Click the browse button that corresponds to the Template field.
  5. Double-click CICSTemplate.xml. This populates the Template field.
    Note: If CICSTemplate.xml is not on the list, browse to the Common7\IDE\Extensions\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\1.0\Etc\ServerTemplates subdirectory of your Visual Studio installation to locate the file.
  6. On the list next to Associate with projects, check ACCTCLNT .
  7. Click OK .

    After refreshing, the Server Explorer shows the ESACCTCL enterprise server region listed under localhost .

Configure the ESACCTCL enterprise server region

Start Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA)
  • From the Server Explorer, right-click Micro Focus Servers; then select Administration. This starts the ESCWA UI in a browser outside of the IDE.
  • Click Native.
  • In the navigation pane, expand Directory Server > Default to see the ESACCTSV enterprise server region in the list of servers.
Define environment variables
  1. In ESCWA click Native.
  2. In the ESCWA navigation pane, expand Directory Servers > Default.
    Note: The Native page and navigation pane might be set up in this configuration by default when you start ESCWA as it is the default starting configuration.
  3. In the center pane, hover the row for the ESACCTCL entry in the list of servers, and click Edit Edit.

    This action opens the General Properties page for the server.

  4. Click General in the taskbar at the top of the properties pane to open the General Properties page.
  5. Type the following into the Configuration Information field:

    This indicates that the information that follows defines environment variables that are specific to the region. Next, you define an environment variable to represent your project directory.

  6. On the next line down, type:

    To use a defined environment variable in the value definition of another environment variable or as the value in other ESCWA fields, you precede the name of the variable with a dollar sign ($). You can use the IDE_PROJECT_LOC environment variable to help define the next variable.

  7. On the next line down, type:

    This variable is used in the template definition for the DOCUMENT created in this tutorial: ACCTMP1, defined in the DFHWEB resource group.

    Note: When you create an enterprise server region using the CICS template as you have done in this tutorial, Enterprise Server generates and stores several environment variables based on the information in the associated project. For example, in this region, the IDE_LOADLIB environment variable has been generated and is set to the directory you defined as the output directory in the ACCTCLNT Enterprise Developer project. Therefore, IDE_LOADLIB is equal to the loadlib subdirectory of your project directory, or c:\tutorials\CICS\ ACCTCLNT\loadlib . The definitions for generated environment variables do not show in the Configuration Information field, however.
  8. Click Apply .
Create the html project subdirectory
The html project subdirectory you specified in the path for the ES_DOCTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable does not exist on your local disk. Before proceeding, using your preferred method, create this subdirectory to ensure ESCWA can find it when you deploy.
Set the location of your resource definition file
Earlier in this tutorial, you copied the resource definition file, dfhdrdat , from the Enterprise Developer installation area to your project area. Now you need to tell the ESACCTCL region where to find that file.
  1. Click CICS in the taskbar at the top of the properties pane to access the CICS Configuration settings.
  2. In the Resource Definition File Path field, type:
  3. Click Apply .
Configure the TN3270 listener
The endpoint address for the TN3270 listener defines the port number used when you connect to the enterprise server region using the Host Access for the Cloud TN3270 emulator.
  1. Click General > Listeners

    This takes you to the Communications Server Properties page.

  2. Scroll down to the Listeners section.
  3. Click Edit (Edit) on the row of the TN3270 listener.
  4. In the Hostname or IP Address field, type *.
  5. In the Port field, type 5239.
  6. Click Apply.