MFPLI10120 - MFPLI10139
MFPLI10120W The PACKAGE statement with the RESERVES option is not yet supported.
Neither the RESERVED attribute nor the RESERVES option are yet supported.
MFPLI10121W The PACKAGE statement with the OPTIONS option is not yet supported.
The OPTIONS option is not yet supported on the PACKAGE statement.
MFPLI10122S The built-in built-in is not yet supported for FIXED DECIMAL.
This built-in does yet support argument #1 of type FIXED DECIMAL.
MFPLI10123W The attribute-name attribute is not yet supported; ignored.
The attribute
is not yet supported and is ignored.
MFPLI10124W Parameters of type AREA(*) with length > 32K are not yet supported; argument number argument-number is variable-sized and could exceed 32K.
Only AREA arguments with length <= 32K can be passed to AREA(*) parameters.
MFPLI10125S Passing arguments of type AREA with length > 32K to AREA(*) is not yet supported; argument number argument-number is > 32K.
Only AREA arguments with length <= 32K can be passed to AREA(*) parameters.
MFPLI10126I Unsupported LINKAGE is ignored i.e. OPTIONS(LINKAGE(X)) Where X = OPTLINK, SYSTEM or CDECL.
OPTIONS(LINKAGE(X)), Where X is OPTLINK, SYSTEM or CDECL are not supported yet.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages