MFPLI00400 - MFPLI00419
MFPLI00400S "insert-name" has been declared with the VARYINGZ attribute. Only CHARACTER string variables may be declared VARYINGZ.
MFPLI00401W Z/OS STRUCTURE mapping of structure-name may require "-bitsltr" to map little-endian bit-fields left-to-right.
MFPLI00402S ENTRY constants used in STATIC INITIAL must be non-nested.
MFPLI00403E LABEL variables cannot be initialized with STATIC INITIAL; the required stack frame address is unknown at compile-time.
MFPLI00404W insert-name condition raised during a compile-time conversion check; this will likely result in the same condition raised at run-time.
MFPLI00405I The undeclared name "insert-name" has been declared with the default type as a variable in the outermost PROCEDURE.
MFPLI00406I The undeclared name "variable-name" has been contextually declared as a variable in the outermost block-type.
MFPLI00407S "insert-name" must be computational.
MFPLI00408E OPTIONS(MAIN) is not allowed on a nested procedure; ignored.
OPTIONS(MAIN) is not allowed on a nested procedure.
MFPLI00409E OPTIONS(CICSMAIN) is not allowed on a nested procedure; ignored.
OPTIONS(CICSMAIN) is not allowed on a nested procedure.
MFPLI00410S No matching entry reference or OTHERWISE clause in generic entry "entry-name".
The argument list is in the entry invocation could be matched against the GENERIC selections.
MFPLI00411S "entry-name" in the GENERIC attribute list does not resolve to a scalar ENTRY reference.
An ENTRY declaration corresponding to the GENERIC entry reference does not exist (within scope).
MFPLI00412I GENERIC substitution: "entry-name" called.
The entry name replaced the generic name in the CALL statement.
MFPLI00413E String lengths and area sizes are not allowed in generic descriptors.
Generic descriptors cannot specify character lengths, bit lengths, or area sizes.
MFPLI00414S The second argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must be FIXED BIN but a non-computational value has been used.
MFPLI00415S The third argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must not contain any elements that have * names, UNION or GRAPHIC attributes, non-computational data, scaled FIXED BINARY, or FIXED DECIMAL(p,q) where q < 0 or q > p.
MFPLI00416S The first argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must be a locator (OFFSET with explicit AREA declaration or a POINTER).
MFPLI00417E A precision/length exceeds the implementation limit of insert-value. The maximum length will be supplied.
MFPLI00418W The INOUT, INONLY, and OUTONLY attributes are not allowed in GENERIC descriptors; ignored.
Generic descriptors cannot specify the INOUT, INONLY, and OUTONLY attributes.
MFPLI00419E The CONNNECTED and NONCONNECTED attributes are not allowed in GENERIC descriptors; ignored.
Generic descriptors cannot specify the CONNNECTED and NONCONNECTED attributes.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages