MFPLI00360 - MFPLI00379
MFPLI00360S Only CONTROLLED variables can be passed to CONTROLLED parameters; argument insert-name.
MFPLI00361W The value specified for the named constant insert-name cannot be converted to this constant type.
MFPLI00362E insert-name is declared with conflicting storage attributes.
MFPLI00363E insert-name is a STRUCTURE member and cannot be declared with a storage class.
MFPLI00364W The specified precision and/or scale is not large enough to accept an assigned constant. Expect a loss of digits.
MFPLI00366S The character length of insert-name could not be evaluated as a restricted expression at compile-time. Parameters of type CHAR, BIT, and AREA must have a constant length or a star-extent.
MFPLI00367S The first argument to the XMLCHAR built-in must be a non-array STRUCTURE reference.
MFPLI00368S The second argument to the XMLCHAR built-in must be a POINTER.
MFPLI00369S An XMLCHAR STRUCTURE reference must not contain any substructures which use an * in place of a name.
MFPLI00370S An XMLCHAR STRUCTURE reference must not contain any arrays which are not completely subscripted.
MFPLI00371S An XMLCHAR STRUCTURE reference must not contain any base elements of non-computational type.
MFPLI00372E insert-name is an illegal overlay define. Only CHARACTER, BIT or PICTURE types are allowed with the POSITION attribute and the overlay types must be compatible.
MFPLI00373W Argument number insert-name in entry invocation "insert-name" is longer than the corresponding parameter; truncation will occur.
MFPLI00374S The compile-time switch "-initcall insert-name" conflicts with a declaration of the same name; if declared it must be an ENTRY compatible with ENTRY (CHAR(*)).
MFPLI00375S The argument of the OMITTED built-in must be a parameter variable reference.
MFPLI00376S The OMITTED built-in does not allow a parameter reference passed BYVALUE.
MFPLI00377S The REPLY option requires a scalar CHARACTER reference.
MFPLI00378S "insert-name" has been declared with a non-constant INITIAL repeat factor. STATIC variables must have constant initial repeat factors.
MFPLI00379E "insert-name" is a scalar item declared with a non-asterisk INITIAL repeat factor (ignored).
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages