To use the
cbllink command to link programs that run under
Enterprise Server, you need to provide the following information for
cbllink by adding it to your xjx.def file. This is information that would be automatically generated when linking using
LIBRARY "I111P00" BASE=0x61000000
systemMVS @1
_mFinfo_I111P00=_mFinfo_I111P00 @4
You can choose one of the following options:
- Use ldpl with the -systemmvs option in place of the cbllink command to create the .dll files.
- Or, you can modify the cbllink processing in order for it to complete the following:
- Generate a .def file similar to the one above (and appropriate for each one of your MAIN programs).
- Use the .def file as part of the cbllink command.
- Modify the cbllink command as shown in dmf_link to not specify "-M" and add any additional .obj files missing from the example.