If needed, the JCL file specified in the MFBSIJCL command can be edited before submission to JCL. This allows for any parameters substitution or additional site specific checking.
The parameter JCLExit in mfbsi.cfg specifies the name of the user exit module to be called. Use the mfbsiue1.cpy interface shown:
* -- copybook "MFBSIUE1" -- 01 ES-UserExit-JCLsubmit. **> MFBSIJCL exit's common area 05 ES-UE-CommonArea pic x(1024). **> Input parameters *> OS Environment 05 ESue1-OS pic x(1). 88 ESue1-Windows value '0'. 88 ESue1-UNIX value '1'. *> SJOBID 05 ESue1-Scheduler-Job-ID pic x(16). *> User exit identifier 05 ESue1-JCLexitID pic x(32). *> Execution mode: submit JCL or JOB restart 05 ESue1-ExecutionMode pic x(01). 88 ESue1-ExecNormal value 'N'. 88 ESue1-ExecRESTART value 'R'. 05 filler pic x(14). * **> Input/Output parameters 05 ESue1-JCLfile pic x(256). * **> Output parameters 05 ESue1-ReturnCode pic x(2). 05 ESue1-ReturnMsg pic x(256). * **> Delimiter 05 ESue1-X00 pic x(1).
The mfbsiue1.cpy copybook file can be found in $COBDIR/cpylib.
The user exit module retrieves the full path and filename of the original JCL file or substituted file name. You can use the optional parameter JCLExitID to specify work to be done by the user exit. The maximum length for this string is 32 characters.
Before returning, the user exit program sets the return code ESue1-ReturnCode to 00 and specifies the new file to submit (ESue1-JCLfile). If necessary, the submission process can be stopped. MFBSIJCL ends with a return code of 207. To do this: