The following is a list of supported IBM deployment parameters including information about how to set them:
- serverName
- Set this via the ServerHost attribute in the ra.xml, or for WebSphere it can be set through the connection factory properties
in the admin console.
- portNumber
- Set this via the ServerPort attribute in the ra.xml, or for WebSphere it can be set through the connection factory properties
in the admin console.
- keyRingClass
- Set this via the KeyRingClass attribute in the ra.xml, or for WebSphere it can be set through the connection factory properties
in the admin console.
- keyRingPassword
- Set this via the KeyRingPassword attribute in the ra.xml, or for WebSphere it can be set through the connection factory properties
in the admin console.
- username
- Set this by calling the setUserName method in the ECIInteractionSpec class, or for WebSphere is can be set through the connection
factory properties in the admin console.
- password
- Set this by calling the setPassword method in the ECIInteractionSpec class, or for WebSphere is can be set through the connection
factory properties in the admin console.
The following IBM resource adapter deployment parameters are not supported:
- applid
- applidQualifier
- connectionURL
- interceptPlugin
- socketConnectTimeout
- tranName
- tPNName
- clientSecurity
- serverSecurity
- traceLevel
- trackingToken
- cipherSuites
- requestExits
- ipicSendSessions
- ipicHeartbeatInterval
- xaSupport