When you first run and test your AWM model you should start Enterprise Developer for Eclipse in debug mode. To do this:
This opens the Enterprise Developer for Eclipse Properties dialog box.
The field content should look like this:
"$COBDIR/eclipse/eclipse\eclipse.exe" -debug
This opens the Add System(s) dialog box.
This opens the New Custom AWM System dialog box.
The Application Name field is automatically populated with text derived from the application name.
This adds the Tutorial System custom system to the Application Explorer view.
A list of project folders is displayed under the EclipseTutorial application folder. These project folders mirror the content of the workspace under the default system. If there are no projects in the default system folder then create a test project along with subfolders and files.
Right-click on a resources in the EclipseTutorial application folder, and then click new context menu item Rename resource. This opens the Eclipse Tutorial Rename dialog box.