Files inherit the properties set on project level. You can override these properties by manually setting properties on file
level as follows:
- In the
Application Explorer view, right-click a file or a selection of files in your project.
- Click
- Check
Enable file specific settings.
- Specify file properties as required and click
Apply and then
To set file properties using directives scanning:
Important: This automatically determines the directives that need to be set on individual files. If the project already has a required
settings, the scan does not set this on a file.
- Select a file, group of files, directory, or a project in the
Application Explorer view.
- Right-click the selection, and click
Determine Directives.
A window showing the proposed changes opens after the scan.
The following settings can be set this way:
- CICS Preprocessor settings
- Files that contain EXEC CICS statements have the
EXEC CICS option set. The scan sets no other CICS preprocessor options.
- SQL Preprocessor settings
- If the files contain any EXEC SQL statements, the
Preprocessor Type options are set accordingly. The scan sets none of the additional directive's options.
- Click
OK to accept the changes or
Cancel to ignore them.