This section describes the Character Animator directives.
COBAIF Specifies whether to load and save Character Animator session information.
END Indicates the end of directives to Character Animator and start of command line parameters to your program.
FASTEXIT Optimizes the validations that Animator makes when debugging of the application is finished, meaning that Animator terminates
quicker for applications that contain a large number of programs.
MIXEDLANGDEBUG Use non-system level debugging. Enables mixed-language debugging.
MULTITHREAD Use the multi-threaded run-time system, enabling you to debug multi-threaded applications.
PROGBPALLENTRY Determines if program breakpoints are triggered only when the program is entered, or are also triggered when execution returns
back from a called program.
RESEQ Specifies that COBOL line sequence numbers should appear on the Character Animator's source display.
STRICTIDY Checks that the .idy file in effect was created at the same time as the program that is being debugged.
ZEROSEQ Specifies that leading zeros should appear in the sequence numbers in columns 1 through 6.