MFPLX08120 - MFPLX08139
MFPLX08120S The "option-name" option requires a positive integer argument.
Non-integer or non-positive integer specified for
MFPLX08121W "insert-name" requires the INCL preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08122W "insert-name" requires the DLI preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08123W "insert-name" requires the SQL preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08124W "insert-name" requires the CICS preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08125W "insert-name" requires the MACRO preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08126I Usage: insert-name [options] source_file
The compiler or a preprocessor has been executed without any options or an input file.
MFPLX08127S -pporder preprocessor names must be one of MACRO, SQLDB2, SQLOCI, SQLODBC, CICS, or DLI.
These are the only valid preprocessor names in the -pporder option and at least one must be specified.
MFPLX08128S -pporder preprocessor-name("string") required.
The preprocessor
requires an argument.
MFPLX08129S -pporder MACRO option if present must be one of CASE(ASIS) or CASE(UPPER).
These are the only valid arguments for the MACRO option in the -pporder option.
MFPLX08130S -pporder mismatched parentheses.
The arguments for each preprocessor in the -pporder option must be in parentheses.
MFPLX08131S mfplx does not handle .c and .asm files.
Windows ldpli does not accept .c or .asm file; only UNIX does.
MFPLX08133W A *PROCESS directive has overridden the common directive "compile-option".
MFPLX08134W The common directive "option-name" is a duplicate of a previous common directive with a conflicting argument. Last occurrence taken.
is specified more than once with different arguments.
MFPLX08135W The command-line option "option-name" is a duplicate of a previous common directive with a conflicting argument. Last occurrence taken.
is specified more than once with different arguments.
MFPLX08136W The common directive "option-name" is not supported (ignored). Try "mfplx -help".
is not a supported option.
MFPLX08137S The common directive "option-name" is missing a required argument.
should be followed by an appropriate argument.
MFPLX08138W The common directive "option-name" is a duplicate of a previous common directive with a conflicting -[no] prefix. Last occurrence taken.
should be followed by an appropriate argument.
MFPLX08139W The common directive "option-name" is a duplicate of a previous command-line option with a conflicting -[no] prefix. Last occurrence taken.
is specified more than once with a different -[no] prefix, example -list vs. -nolist.
Parent topic:
MFPLX - PL/I Compilation System Messages