MFPLI04460 - MFPLI04479
MFPLI04462S Possible compiler error. The code generator cannot retransform node node-name. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04463S Possible compiler error. The code generator cannot set up a memory address to fetch node node-name. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04464S Possible compiler error. The code generator cannot find pattern node node-name. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04465S Possible compiler error. The code generator cannot compute size for data type data-type. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04466S Possible compiler error. The code generator length meta-op found an argument of argument-name. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04467S Possible compiler error. The code generator tried to count down a non-busy node from line line-number. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04468S The current module requires more than 2GB bytes of AUTOMATIC storage. Reduce the size or number of AUTOMATIC variables and recompile.
The current module requires more than 2GB bytes of AUTOMATIC storage.
MFPLI04469S Possible compiler error. The code generator found a non-busy temp when counting down node node-name. Correct all program errors and recompile. If this message persists, contact Micro Focus Customer Support.
Possible compiler error.
MFPLI04472S The total amount of UNINITIALIZED STATIC (.bss) data exceeds 2GB. Reduce the amount of UNINITIALIZED STATIC data.
The current module requires more than 2GB bytes of UNINITIALIZED STATIC storage.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages