X253: Compact cluster by clause must specify existing clustered index. When using the CLUSTER BY clause in a COMPACT statement, and the table has a clustered index, then you must specify the clustered
index that already exists. If the table does not have a clustered index, then any index can be specified.
X255: Communication Manager out of memory. The XDB Server ran out of memory. You may want to reconfigure your system to increase available memory. See the XDB Server
Administration Guide for specific performance tuning procedures.
X258: Out of memory for expressions. The total amount of memory required by the query for expressions exceeded the maximum memory that can be supported by XDB
X261: Redirector not loaded! The redirector associated with the selected protocol is not currently running. If your protocol is currently set to NetBIOS,
run the NetBIOS redirector.
X264: A necessary window could not be created. A window could not be created due to the number of windows already open or the amount of system resources in use. Close other
windows or shut down other applications and try again.
X267: Invalid parameter in function function. An internal error has occurred. The XDB Server has received an invalid parameter or a different number of parameters than
it expected.
X270: Update/Delete on invalid cursor position. An application program tried to update or delete on an invalid cursor position. This is an internal error. If the application
is a Micro Focus program, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.
X271: The Server failed when trying to begin a thread. The maximum number of threads allowed was exceeded. You must reconfigure the number of threads needed to a smaller number.
The XDB Server Configuration utility options that affect this are:
X275: Column name in explanation table name is not defined properly. An error occurred during the insertion of a row into the explanation table. The table is improperly defined for one or both
of the following reasons: columns are defined in the wrong order; or a column description is invalid because of its name,
data type, length or NULL attributes. Correct the definition of the required explanation table.
X277: userid does not have privilege to create with qualification authid. The specified user attempted to create an object with an invalid AuthID. Only if your AuthID is SYSADM, DBADM or DBCTRL can
you create an object with an AuthID other than your valid primary or secondary AuthID. Ensure that AuthID is one of your valid AuthIDs.
X279: Name name is too long. Maximum allowable size is number. The specified name has exceeded the maximum allowable length of number characters. Columns, tables, views, indices, aliases and synonyms have a maximum length of 18 characters. Locations have
a maximum length of 16 characters. Table qualifiers, view qualifiers, storage group names, database names, tablespace names,
and constraint names specified in CREATE or ALTER TABLE statements have a maximum length of 8 characters. Volume serial numbers
must contain 6 characters or fewer, and labels must contain 30 characters or fewer. Enter a shorter name for the object.
X280: name is an undefined name. The object specified by name does not exist in the XDB Server location. Be sure you have entered the correct name.
X283: The PART clause of an ALTER statement is omitted or invalid. The ALTER TABLESPACE command or ALTER INDEX command has an invalid partition clause. Check to be sure that the tablespace
or index to be altered is partitioned. If so, be sure you have identified the correct partition; if not, do not include a
PART clause.
X284: Duplicate keyword keyword. The specified keyword has a duplicate specification in the SQL statement. Change the statement so that it only contains one
specification for the keyword.
X285: Attempt to drop stogroup used by a tablespace. An attempt was made to drop a storage group that is being used by one or more tablespaces. You must first alter or drop all
tablespaces that use the stogroup before the stogroup itself can be dropped. You can query the STORNAME field of the SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART
system table to find all tablespaces that are dependent on the stogroup.
X287: Alias name must not be defined on another alias. The specified name identifies an alias, which is defined on another alias. Do not use aliases to define other aliases; they
should only define base tables or views.
X291: Illegal use of keyword keyword. A syntax error exists in the SQL statement at the point where the specified keyword appears. Check the statement for errors.
X295: Database ROSHARE can only be altered from OWNER to NONE. XDB Server only supports the altering of Read-Only Shared Databases from a value of OWNER to a value of NONE. You must create
a new ROSHARE database in order to obtain other share options.