If you are running the Directory Server as a service that logs on as the Local System account (LocalService), any enterprise server that it starts also runs under that account. Hence, the location of the files is typically %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus User\Enterprise Developer\WORKAREAes-name C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\My Documents\Micro Focus\<product name> X.X\WORKAREA\es-name. By default, Windows hides the LocalService subdirectory of Documents and Settings. In order to view this directory, you must configure your Windows Explorer so that: Show hidden files and folders is set, and Hide protected operating system files is not set.
You can format and view the information from the Edit Server > Diagnostics > ES Console page. The client request is shown in a block named user-storage-type under the part of the dump entitled CAS-REQ. The server response is shown in a similar block under the title CAS-RESP.
Only switch logging on if you need diagnostics as it degrades performance.