At the prompt, enter:
test-runner [options] [test-suite]
The optional _t runs the test suite in the multi-threaded run-time system, and is required for tests that use a timeout value.
The options that apply to the test run. These are optional, and you can apply one or more of the following:
Alternatively, you can specify multiple test cases using one of the following approaches:
-testcase:testcase-name1,testcase-name2,... everything.dll
-testcase:@filelist.txt everything.dll
pandoc -thtml5 -s -S --toc -c pandoc.css -fmarkdown_github -o mfumeta.html
pandoc -s -S --toc -c pandoc.css -fmarkdown_github -o mfumeta.pdf
mfurun -generate-mfu -trait:smoke test-suite.dll
cobmfurun32|64[_t] -generate-mfu -trait:smoke
Outputs the results to an .xml file that is compatible with Silk Central. The output.xml file, along with any required assets (log and dump files), are placed in the location determined by the SCTM_EXEC_RESULTSFOLDER environment variable, where they can be picked up and processed by Silk Central (refer to your Silk Central Help for more information on ProcessExecuter Tests). If you specify this option when your Silk Central environment is not correctly configured, you receive an error.
Option | Abbreviation | Default | Description |
regions | r | off | Generate regions |
noregions | nor | on | Do not generate regions |
comment-vars | cv | on | Include comments relating to the fields in use |
nocomment-vars | nocv | off | Do not include comments relating to the fields in use |
init-vars | iv | on | Generate move or initialize statements for fields in use |
noinit-vars | noiv | off | Do not generate move or initialize statements for fields in use |
data-driven | dd | off | Create a data driven csv file header from all fields in use |
nodata-driven | nodd | on | Do not create a data driven csv file header |
skip-default-cid | sdcid | off | Skip the creation of EXEC CICS statement if no custom MFUPP-CID ID is given |
skip-default-sid | sdsid | off | Skip the creation of EXEC SQL statement if no custom MFUPP-SID ID is given |
mfurun -shortcuts
cobmfurun32|64[_t] -shortcuts