Note: On UNIX platforms, the command is
dbfhadmin32 or
dbfhadmin64, depending on your working mode.
CAS processes
Use the following commands to view the enterprise server processes that may be in error after an abnormal termination, and
to recover such processes.
- The following command lists the CAS processes still running for the svr-mydb database server instance:
dbfhadmin -casprocess -list -usedb:svr-mydb
The command will return a table, similar to that below, containing the name, host name, process ID, region name, last heartbeat
time, and status for each enterprise server process:
Status Host Region Region Id H/B (s) Name PID TID
------ ---- ------ --------- ------- ---- --- ---
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 0 cassi 1780 812
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 0 cassi 9140 28524
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 1 casmgr 10204 19392
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 0 cassi 19324 28792
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 2 castsc 19840 29036
Ok svr-mydb ESDEMODB ESDEMODB 1 cassi 26048 26300
If a process has died, or has lost connectivity to the cross-region database for at least 10 seconds, the status indicates
'in doubt'. When
'in doubt', there could be associated resource locks (ENQs) outstanding.
- The following command lists the CAS processes still running for the svr-mydb database server instance, on the host MYHOST:
dbfhadmin -casprocess -list -usedb:svr-mydb -host:MYHOST
Warning: Using the following commands to force DEQ'ing of resource locks should be used with caution. You need to ensure that the associated
ES regions have actually stopped (and if they haven't, whether the process is still running; although, this is unlikely as
ES recovery processing should have detected this), or that the cross-region database connection has been lost. The ENQs that
get removed by this command will be those that are explicitly associated with the given process.
- The following command recovers the CAS process (DEQs all ENQs) for process ID 12345, for the svr-mydb database server instance
on svr-01:
dbfhadmin -casprocess -recover -usedb:svr-mydb -host:svr-01 -pid:12345 -configfile:C:\dbconfig\mfdbfh.cfg
dbfhadmin -casprocess -recover -usedb:svr-mydb -host:svr-01 -pid:12345 -configfile:/home/usera/dbconfig/mfdbfh.cfg
Note: Before the recovery process, the validity of the region/cross-region database is checked. If the check finds orphaned records,
the recovery process is halted, and you are prompted to run the
dbfhadmin -verify command to restore database integrity before continuing.
- The following command recovers all CAS processes for the svr-mydb database server instance on svr-01:
dbfhadmin -casprocess -recover -usedb:svr-mydb -host:svr-01
Note: Before the recovery process, the validity of the region/cross-region database is checked. If the check finds orphaned records,
the recovery process is halted, and you are prompted to run the
dbfhadmin -verify command to restore database integrity before continuing.
Database creation
Use the following commands to create databases from a script file. Running these commands ahead of time ensures processing
is not delayed when access is required and the databases are yet to be created.
- The following command creates an ANSI-encoded MSSQL datastore database by running the
mydb.sql script file:
dbfhadmin -createdb -file:mydb.sql -type:datastore -provider:ss
- The following command creates an EBCDIC-encoded Db2 datastore database by running the
mydb.sql script file:
dbfhadmin -createdb -file:mydb.sql -type:datastore -provider:db2 -ebcdic
- The following command creates an Oracle region database in the existing MYORADB database, by running the
myregdb.sql script file:
dbfhadmin -createdb -file:myregdb.sql -type:region -provider:ora -existdb:MYORADB
Note: Micro Focus recommends that the value for
-existdb corresponds to the connection name as specified in your
tnsnnames.ora configuration file.
- The following command creates a PostgreSQL datastore database, on the MYREMOTEHOST server/port, by running the
mypgdb.sql script file:
dbfhadmin -createdb -file:mypgdb.sql -type:datastore -provider:pg -host:MYREMOTEHOST -port:33445
Data files
Use the following commands to view data files still open after an abnormal termination of an enterprise server, and to recover/release
them. Also, there are a number of commands to administer the column types of indexed keys.
The following command lists the data files still open for the VSAM datastore hosted on svr-mydb. For each file, there could
be associated outstanding record locks:
dbfhadmin -openfiles -list -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM -host:svr-01
The command will return a table, similar to that below, containing the status, host name, file and folder name, and process
Status Host Name Folder PID
------ ---- ---- ------ ---
Inactive svr-mydb catalog.dat /ESDEMO 27180
Inactive svr-mydb SPLDSN.dat /ESDEMO 27180
Inactive svr-mydb SPLJOB.dat /ESDEMO 34132
Inactive svr-mydb SPLMSG.dat /ESDEMO 27180
In doubt svr-brs catalog.dat /ESDEMO 20300
In doubt svr-brs SPLDSN.dat /ESDEMO 20300
In doubt svr-brs SPLJOB.dat /ESDEMO 20300
In doubt svr-brs SPLMSG.dat /ESDEMO 20300
Ok svr-sdn catalog.dat /ESDEMO 34144
Ok svr-sdn SPLDSN.dat /ESDEMO 34144
Warning: Caution should be exercised with the following two commands as files are forced closed. You should ensure that the process(es)
on the associated host are no longer running before deciding to close files associated with them - refer to the
Status column displayed as the result of the previous command:
- OK: the file is open within an active process.
- Inactive: the file had been opened by a process on the same machine as the one running
dbfhadmin, but is no longer running.
- In doubt: the file has been opened by a process on a remote machine. You should check these manually before deciding on a course of
- The following command recovers the data files with an
Inactive or
In doubt status, by closing them and then removing any associated record locks for all processes, for the VSAM datastore hosted on
dbfhadmin -openfiles -recover -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM -host:svr-01
Files with an
Ok status are left untouched - to also close files with an
Ok status, include the
-force option.
- The following command is similar to that above but removes any associated record locks for the specified process (27180),
for the VSAM datastore hosted on svr-mydb:
dbfhadmin -openfiles -recover -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM -host:svr-01 -pid 27180
- The following command specifies that the column type for the primary key of the MYFILE.dat file is alphanumeric, and the column
type for the first alternate key is signed COMP-X:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -add -file:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM/MYFILE.dat -types:AN,SCOMPX
- The following command replaces existing key types for the specified data file:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -add -replace -file:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM/MYFILE.dat -types:AN,SCOMPX
- The following command deletes the key types that have been specified for MYFILE.dat, and the column types for indexed keys
revert to type BINARY:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -delete -file:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM/MYFILE.dat
The following command exports the list of key types for the VSAM datastore to the
MYKEYTYPES.xml file:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -export:MYKEYTYPES.xml -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM
- The following command imports a list of key types to the VSAM datastore from the
MYKEYTYPES.xml file:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -import:MYKEYTYPES.xml -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM
- The following command imports a list of key types to the VSAM datastore from the
MYKEYTYPES.xml file, replacing any existing types that correspond to the ones in the file:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -import:MYKEYTYPES.xml -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM -replace
- The following command lists the key types set for each data file in the datastore:
dbfhadmin -keytypes -list -datastore:sql://svr-mydb/VSAM
Script file creation
Use the following commands to create script files that can be used to create databases.
- The following command creates a script file (createdb.sql) that can be run to create a Db2 cross-region database:
dbfhadmin -script -type:crossregion -provider:db2 -file:createdb.sql
- The following command creates a script file (createdb.sql) that can be run to create a Db2 cross-region database using the SYSTEM_1252_US Windows collating sequence:
dbfhadmin -script -type:crossregion -provider:db2 -file:createdb.sql -collate:SYSTEM_1252_US
- The following command creates a script file (createdb.sql) that can be run to create a PostgreSQL datastore called MYFILES:
dbfhadmin -script -type:datastore -name:MYFILES -provider:pg -file:createdb.sql
- The following command creates a script file (createdb.sql) that can be run to create an MSSQL region database called ESDEMO:
dbfhadmin -script -type:region -name:ESDEMO -provider:ss -file:createdb.sql
- The following command creates a script file (createinmydb.sql) that can be run to create a Db2 datastore called mySEQ, which will be stored in the existing Db2 database called masterSEQDB:
dbfhadmin -script -type:datastore -name:mySEQ -provider:db2 -file:createinmydb.sql -existdb:masterSEQDB
- The following command creates a script file (create_datastore_MYFILES_ora.sql) that can be run to create an Oracle datastore called MYFILES, which will be stored in an existing Oracle database - the
existing database is specified (using the
-existdb option) when running the
-createdb action on the script file once it is created:
dbfhadmin -script -type:datastore -name:MYFILES -provider:ora
Resource recovery
Use the following commands if you are receiving console log error messages that indicate resources are not available during
startup. There is an automated recovery process that, in the event of a system failure, attempts to recover resources, but
if not all were able to, you may be able to free them using these commands.
- The following command lists each region associated with the DBHOST database server instance, the number of ENQs associated
with processes and the number of ENQs that are associated with the region (that is, those which do not have process affinity).:
dbfhadmin -region -list -usedb:DBHOST
- The following command lists any region resources that are locked for the ESDEMO region, on the DBHOST database server instance:
dbfhadmin -region -list -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO
- Following on from the previous example, this command additionally displays the region name in hexadecimal:
dbfhadmin -region -list -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO -hex
- The following command releases the locks (that is, forces DEQ of those locks that do not have process affinity) for the ESDEMO
region, on the DBHOST database server instance. Only run this command when the region is no longer running. :
dbfhadmin -region -recover -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO
To release locks that do have process affinity, use the
-cassprocess -recover
option above.
Warning: Caution should be exercised with the next command. Only reset if, for example, you started an enterprise server region, but
it failed because the region database was in use
and you were absolutely certain that was not the case. To check, ensure that the process/program/host that was reported has having
started the region was not actually running.
- The following command displays the status of the ESDEMO region database, on the DBHOST database server instance:
dbfhadmin -region -status -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO
- The following command resets the status of the ESDEMO region database, on the DBHOST database server instance to "stopped"
dbfhadmin -region -status -reset -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO
Upgrading datastores
- Use the following command to generate the script file
upgradeds.sql, required to manually upgrade the VSAM datastore. If you omit the
-file option, a file named
upgrade_datastore_VSAM_db-type.sql is generated (db-type is determined by the settings in the database configuration file).
dbfhadmin -upgrade -datastore:sql://localhost/VSAM -file:upgradeds.sql
If the datastore does not need to be upgraded,
dbfhadmin outputs
ADM0073I Datastore '<datastore-url>' does not need to be upgraded, and no script file is created. When an upgrade is required,
dbfhadmin outputs
ADM0045I Creating SQL script file '<sql-script-name>'.
The resulting script should be run as a user with sysadmin privileges using the
sqlcmd (SQL Server),
psql (PostgreSQL),
db2 (Db2), or
sqlplus (Oracle) command-line tool.
Datastore integrity
Use the following commands to verify the integrity of a datastore, and if required, recover it from any integrity issues.
- The following command runs a datastore integrity check of the VSAM datastore:
dbfhadmin -verify -list -datastore:sql://localhost/VSAM
Currently this check only detects orphaned record locks (that is, those record locks that exist without an associated file
handle). Record locks would typically be orphaned if the associated file handle had been manually deleted from the database.
When orphaned record locks are detected,
dbfhadmin lists the associated file name for non-sequential files, or lists
<Sequential files> for sequential files (the actual file name cannot be determined as a global record lock table is used for these files), with
a count of the orphaned locks; for example:
Orphaned record locks: Name Folder Count
---- ------ -----
SPLJOB.dat /MyDir 3
<Sequential files> 1
- The following command recovers the VSAM datastore from any orphaned record locks:
dbfhadmin -verify -recover -datastore:sql://localhost/VSAM
- The following command generates a diagnostic report names diags.txt, which contains details about ESDEMO region database (and
associated cross-region database) in the DBHOST database:
dbfhadmin -diags -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO -file diags.txt
- The following command dumps lock information for the specified datastore to an
MFDBFH_Diagnostics.txt file:
dbfhadmin -diags -usedb:DBHOST -name:ESDEMO -datastore:sql://localhost/VSAM
dbfhadmin Return Codes for a list of possible return codes used by the command: