Shows a sample DEBINIT program.
/* Compile on Windows using: mfplx -dll -deb -defext debinit.pli */
/* Compile on Linux using: mfplx -dll -deb -defext debinit.pli -o */
DEBINIT: proc(str);
dcl str char(*);
/* Variables for PLICTF */
dcl EVENT_ERROR fixed bin(31) static init(1000);
dcl LEVEL_DEBUG fixed bin(31) static init(0);
dcl LEVEL_INFO fixed bin(31) static init(1);
dcl LEVEL_WARNING fixed bin(31) static init(2);
dcl LEVEL_ERROR fixed bin(31) static init(3);
dcl TRACE_FLAGS_ALL fixed bin(31) static init(-1);
dcl error_msg char(300) varying;
/* Variables for Memory Validation */
DCL _MFP_MEMVALID entry(fixed bin(31) value, *)
returns(fixed bin(31)) options(nodescriptor);
dcl 01 mem_validate_param,
05 cblte_mv_version fixed bin(31) init(0),
05 cblte_mv_flags fixed bin(31) init(0),
05 cblte_mv_type fixed bin(31) init(0),
05 cblte_mv_size fixed bin(31) init(0),
05 cblte_mv_address poinTer init(NULL);
dcl ret fixed bin(31);
on error
on error system;
error_msg = "DEBINIT Error: " || trim(str) || ' :' || oncode();
call PLICTF(EVENT_ERROR, LEVEL_ERROR, TRACE_FLAGS_ALL, error_msg, length(error_msg));
/* Continue processing */
/* don't want to take down user code because of bad initcall code! */
goto end_debcall;
ret = _MFP_MEMVALID(3, mem_validate_param);
if (ret = 1000) then
error_msg = "Memory Corruption detected: " || trim(str) || ' :' || hex(cblte_mv_address);
call PLICTF(EVENT_ERROR, LEVEL_ERROR, TRACE_FLAGS_ALL, error_msg, length(error_msg));