Takes you step by step through the process of migrating a mainframe-based DB2 table on the mainframe to a local SQL Server
using Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT).
This tutorial is written from the perspective that all of the following items are true. Specific instructions for setting
up your environment to adhere to these assumptions is found in the
Before you begin section that follows:
Before you begin
Before beginning, be sure you have addressed each of the following items:
- Set Windows File Explorer options
- These tutorials assume that your Windows File Explorer options are set to use the Details layout, and to show file name extensions.
See your Windows documentation for more information.
- Turn off Windows User Account Control (UAC)
- Depending on the Windows UAC setting on your machine, HCOSS exhibits different behavior for some features. The differences
in behavior are dependent on things such as whether or not you are logged in as a standard user or an administrator, whether
or not you are a member of the Windows Administrators group, and how you start the HCOSS user interface. These tutorials assume
that you have turned UAC off by setting it to
Never notify. See your Windows documentation for details.
- Start
Enterprise Developer
- Start
Enterprise Developer using the default workspace, which is
%USERPROFILE%\eclipse-workspace. If you need instructions to get
Enterprise Developer started on your local machine, see
To start
Enterprise Developer.
Note: If Visual Studio prompts you on startup to select an initial action, click
Continue without code.
- Open the
Team Developer Perspective and
Explorer View in Eclipse
- When you start
Enterprise Developer for the first time, the
Team Developer perspective starts automatically by default, and shows the
Explorer view. If this is not the case, open the
Team Developer perspective as follows:
- From the Eclipse IDE, click
Open Perspective
- On the
Open Perspective dialog box, select
Team Developer (default), and then click
In addition, the
Enterprise Development Projects system should be loaded in the
Application Explorer view. To confirm this:
- In the
Application Explorer view, you should see the
Enterprise Developer system. If the system is not shown, to load it:
- Right-click in the
Application Explorer view, and then click
Add System(s).
- In the
Add System(s) dialog box, select
ED System and click
- Expand the top-level
Enterprise Developer entry in the
Application Explorer view.
- Right-click
Enterprise Development Projects; then click
Load Application.
- Otherwise, expand the
Enterprise Developer system. An entry titled
Enterprise Development Projects should appear indicating that the system is loaded.
- Set Eclipse to build automatically
- By default, the Eclipse
Build Automatically option is turned on, which means that Eclipse builds a project automatically each time a change is made. To ensure that this
Build Automatically is turned on:
- From the Eclipse Main Menu, click
- Do one of the following:
- If the
Build Automatically menu option has a check mark to its left, it is already turned on. No further action is required.
- If the
Build Automatically menu option does not have a check mark to its left, click the option to turn it on.
To complete this tutorial, progress through these topics in the order presented here. The bottom of each topic provides
Next topic and
Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed in the proper sequence: