The Open PL/I underlying default support for FLOAT DECIMAL is Float Binary Standard 854-1987. This is identical to our support for FLOAT BINARY. The default Open-PLI compiler option for FLOAT DECIMAL support is -fdasfb.
In versions earlier than Enterprise Developer 8.0, Open PL/I alternatively provided FLOAT DECIMAL support in software using a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) library on all platforms. The compiler option for this support is -nofdasfb (no float decimal as float binary).
Enterprise Developer 8.0 and later uses this same BCD support for non-Intel platforms (Solaris and AIX).
On Intel platforms, Enterprise Developer 8.0 and later replaces BCD support with the IEEE-754-2008 Decimal Floating Point (DFP) standard.
See Float Decimal (p) DFP, IEEE-754-2008 - Intel platforms for details.