mbdtconfig command

Runs the command-line version of the MBDT Configuration Utility.
Important: In Windows environments, you must run this command from a 32-bit or a 64-bit Enterprise Developer command prompt. For instructions, see To start an Enterprise Developer command prompt.
Note: UNIX platforms support only the 32-bit version of mbdtconfig.


mbdtconfig -t {H[COSS] | A[gnostic]} [-s size={0 | n}] [–c {Y[es] | 
   N[o]}] [–f {I[SO] | E[UR] | U[SA]}] [–m {I[SO] | E[UR] | U[SA]]
   [-r {Y[es] | N[o]}] [-g]


Sets the database type.
Indicates a SQL Server database in which SQL statements are z/OS DB2 statements.
Indicates a SQL Server, DB2 for z/OS, Oracle, or PostgreSQL database in which SQL statements are specific to the DBMS vendor specifications. This option does not support mainframe DB2 DDL. Default.
Sets the commit behavior.
Default. Perform a single commit after all records have been loaded.

Enables multiple commits. Provide a number to indicate the number of rows to process before issuing each commit.
Sets the LOAD behavior when the LRECL of SYSREC is found to be greater than the row size.
The LOAD fails when the LRECL of SYSREC is greater than the row size.
Default. The LOAD continues regardless of the LRECL of SYSREC size as compared to the row size.
Sets the format of DATE values for the input dataset.
Default. The LOAD only acceptS the ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd) for DATE (external) values.
The LOAD accepts the EUR format (dd.mm.yyyy) and ISO format for DATE (external) values.
The LOAD accepts the USA format (mm/dd/yyyy) and the ISO format for DATE (external) values.
Sets the format of DATE values for the output dataset.
Default. The UNLOAD only acceptS the ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd) for DATE (external) values.
The UNLOAD accepts the EUR format (dd.mm.yyyy) and ISO format for DATE (external) values.
The UNLOAD accepts the USA format (mm/dd/yyyy) and the ISO format for DATE (external) values.
Sets the return code of SQLTUL for non-SELECT * statements.
Match the return code of mainframe DSNTIAUL, RC=04.
Default. Do not match the return code, instead returning mainframe DSNTIAUL RC=0.
Create the OpenESQLConfig.ini in the $COBDIR/etc directory, enabling MBDT utilities to access the configuration file regardless of the user logged in at the time; however, the user logged in must be a super user to use this option. UNIX platforms only.