Sample Program

Presents a sample COBOL program that calls the MVSCASPB API.

This sample program uses the MVSCASPB API to retrieve various subsets of data, and writes the returned data to an output file.

       identification division.
       program-id. Program1.

       environment division.
       configuration section.
       input-output section.
               SELECT ASCII-FILE
               ASSIGN TO ASCII-DSN
       data division.
            FILE SECTION.
       01  ASCII-DATA                  PIC X(80).
       working-storage section.
       01 ascii-file-status        pic xx.
       01 ascii-dsn                pic x(250).
       01 disp-rc                  pic 9999.
       01 disp-rsn                 pic 9999.
       01 disp-type                pic Z9. 
       01 disp-job-nbr             pic 9(9). *> Increased to allow for
                                             *> 7 digit numbers
       01 disp-cc.
           03 disp-cc-type         pic x(01).
           03 disp-cc-nbr          pic 9(04).
       01  save-job-name           pic x(8).
       01  save-job-nbr            pic x(4) comp-x.

       01  ws-pb-get-version       pic 9(04).
       01  ws-pubcas-spl-format        pic x(01) comp-x.
           88 ws-SPL-FORMAT-1             VALUE 1. 
                                               *> 5 digit casspool.dat
           88 ws-SPL-FORMAT-2             VALUE 2.
                                               *> unused
           88 ws-SPL-FORMAT-3             VALUE 3.
                                               *> restructed spljob
           88 ws-SPL-FORMAT-4             VALUE 4.
           88 ws-SPL-FORMAT-5             VALUE 5.
       01  ws-idx1             pic x(04) comp-5.

       01 pubcas-area.
       copy "mfpubcas.cpy" replacing ==()== by ==pubcas==.

       procedure division.

           *> specify were the output should be written
           move '$outdir/output.txt' to ASCII-DSN
           open output ascii-file
           if ascii-file-status <> '00'
               display 'open output  failed '  ascii-file-status
           perform get-messages                *> type 6
           perform get-o-hold                  *> type 7
           perform get-ds-hold                 *> type 9

           perform get-ds-out                  *> type 10
           *> With the new spool control files (ws-SPL-FORMAT-3)
           *> there aren't any type 7 or 8 records.
           *> So next 4 methods will not return any records.
           *> Use type 9 and 10 (as above)

           perform get-o-hold-type-jobname     *> type 7 by job name
           perform get-o-hold-type-create-date *> type 7 by date
           perform o-spool-files-jobname       *> type 8 and associated 
                                               *> type 10s

           perform o-held-spool-files-jobname  *> type 7 and associated 
                                               *> type 9s
           if ws-SPL-FORMAT-3
               *> we are using the new spool control file format
               *> so we can ask for completed jobs
               perform get-completed-jobs          *> type 20
           display 'test prog ended '
       o-held-spool-files-jobname section.   
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Jobs with held output spool files ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile       
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type-job-name 
                                   to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-o-hold-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           *> loop through the type output records to find jobs with
           *> output spool files
           perform until pubcas-retcode <> 0
                      or pubcas-type    <>  pubcas-o-hold-78  
               *> for each o-hold record
               *> print details
               *> save key
               *> get associated output spool records (ds-hold)
               *> reposition for next o-hold record               
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size                
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile  
               move pubcas-job-name    to save-job-name
               move pubcas-job-nbr     to save-job-nbr
               move low-values         to pubcas-area
               move 78-KEY-IS-job-NUMBER 
                                       to pubcas-key-id   
               move save-job-nbr       to pubcas-job-nbr
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               perform until pubcas-retcode <> 0
                      or pubcas-job-nbr   <>  save-job-nbr  
                   *> all the output spool files for this job 
                   if pubcas-type = pubcas-ds-hold-78
                       move spaces to ascii-data
                         '     '                    delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-STEP-NAME     delimited by size
                         ','             delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-PSTP-NAME     delimited by size
                         ','             delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-DD-NAME       delimited by size
                       into ascii-data
                       perform write-outfile        
                   perform call-pubcas
               *> reposition on the next job name that has a type 8 record  
               move low-values         to pubcas-area
               move 78-KEY-IS-type-job-name 
                                       to pubcas-key-id    
               move pubcas-o-hold-78   to pubcas-type 
               move save-job-name      to pubcas-job-name
               move save-job-nbr       to pubcas-job-nbr
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               *> get next next job
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               if  pubcas-job-name  = save-job-name
                   pubcas-job-nbr   = save-job-nbr
                   *> STGT and GN gets the same type 8 
                   *> record ( duplicate keys allowed )
                   *> so need a second GN to get the next record
                   move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
                   perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS       to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section.    
       o-spool-files-jobname section.   
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Jobs with output spool files ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile       
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type-job-name 
                                   to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-out-78      to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           *> loop through the type output records to find jobs with
           *> output spool files
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                      or pubcas-type    <>  pubcas-out-78  
                      or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF
               *> for each o-hold record
               *> print details
               *> save key
               *> get associated output spool records (ds-hold)
               *> reposition for next o-hold record               
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size                
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile  
               move pubcas-job-name    to save-job-name
               move pubcas-job-nbr     to save-job-nbr
               move low-values         to pubcas-area
               move 78-KEY-IS-job-NUMBER 
                                       to pubcas-key-id   
               move save-job-nbr       to pubcas-job-nbr
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               perform until pubcas-retcode <> 0
                      or pubcas-job-nbr   <>  save-job-nbr  
                   *> all the output spool files for this job 
                   if pubcas-type = pubcas-ds-out-78
                       move spaces to ascii-data
                         '     '                    delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-STEP-NAME     delimited by size
                         ','             delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-PSTP-NAME     delimited by size
                         ','             delimited by size
                         pubcas-SYSOT-DD-NAME       delimited by size
                       into ascii-data
                       perform write-outfile        
                   perform call-pubcas
               *> reposition on the next job name that has a type 8 record  
               move low-values         to pubcas-area
               move 78-KEY-IS-type-job-name 
                                       to pubcas-key-id    
               move pubcas-out-78      to pubcas-type 
               move save-job-name      to pubcas-job-name
               move save-job-nbr       to pubcas-job-nbr
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               *> get next next job
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
               if  pubcas-job-name  = save-job-name
                   pubcas-job-nbr   = save-job-nbr
                   *> STGT and GN gets the same type 8 
                   *> record ( duplicate keys allowed )
                   *> so need a second GN to get the next record
                   move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
                   perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS       to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section.    
       get-o-hold-type-create-date section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Type and Date - hold ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile       
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type-date 
                                   to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-o-hold-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode <> 0
                      or pubcas-type    <>  pubcas-o-hold-78  
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size                
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile  
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 
       get-o-hold-type-jobname section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Type and Job Name - o-hold ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile       
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type-job-name 
                                   to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-o-hold-78  to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                      or pubcas-type    <>  pubcas-o-hold-78
                      or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size                
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile  
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 
       get-ds-out section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Type - ds-out ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type     to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-ds-out-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                       or pubcas-type    <> pubcas-ds-out-78
                       or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size 
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile           
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 

       get-o-hold section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Type - o-hold ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type     to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-o-hold-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                      or pubcas-type    <> pubcas-o-hold-78
                      or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                       pubcas-job-name delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile  
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 
       get-ds-hold section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'By Type - ds-hold ' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type     to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-ds-hold-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                      or pubcas-type    <> pubcas-ds-hold-78 
                      or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF 
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr

               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size 
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile           
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 
       get-messages section.
           move 'Messages '        to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type     to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-mesg-78     to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode <> 0
               or pubcas-type > pubcas-mesg-78
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               if pubcas-msglg-mesg-length > 256
                   move 256 to pubcas-msglg-mesg-length
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size
                       into ascii-data
               perform write-outfile         
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 

       get-completed-jobs section.
           move spaces to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move 'Completed Jobs' to ascii-data
           perform write-outfile  
           move low-values         to pubcas-area
           move 78-KEY-IS-type     to pubcas-key-id    
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           move pubcas-JOB-COMPLETED-78   to pubcas-type 
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-STGT   to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas

           IF pubcas-RETCODE > ZERO
               EXIT SECTION

           move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN     to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
           perform until pubcas-retcode > 4
                      or pubcas-type    <> pubcas-JOB-COMPLETED-78
                      or pubcas-rsncode = 78-EOF
               move pubcas-type      to disp-type
               move pubcas-job-nbr   to disp-job-nbr
               move spaces to ascii-data 
               move 1 to ws-idx1
               string  disp-type       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       disp-job-nbr    delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       pubcas-JOB-NAME delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size
                       pubcas-REC-CLASS    delimited by size
               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

               *> If the COND-CODE value has a type indicator
               *> and exceeds 3 digits in value, e.g. U2052
               *> then, because of the limitation in space in the
               *> pubcas-INPUT-COND-CODE field, the 
               *> pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE and pubcas-INPUT-CC-NUM
               *> format is used.
               if pubcas-rec-type-input-88
                   if pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE > x'f0'
                       evaluate true
                           when pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE-ERR-88
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'ERR'   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1
                           when pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE-SYS-88
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'SYS'   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1
                           when pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE-RTS-88 
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'RTS'   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1
                           when pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE-USER-88
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'USR'   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1
                           when pubcas-INPUT-CC-TYPE-RC-88
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'RC '   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

                           when other
                                   ','     delimited by size
                                   'XXX'   delimited by size
                               into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

                       move pubcas-INPUT-CC-NUM to disp-cc-nbr
                           ','             delimited by size
                           disp-cc         delimited by size
                       into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1
                       move pubcas-INPUT-COND-CODE to disp-cc
                           ','         delimited by size
                           'CC:'       delimited by size
                           disp-cc     delimited by size
                       into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

               if pubcas-REC-TYPE-SYSOT-88
                   if pubcas-sysot-create-date is numeric
                           ','             delimited by size
                                           delimited by size
                        into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

                       ','             delimited by size
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                       ','             delimited by size 
                                       delimited by size
                   into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

                   *> If 7 digit job numbering is active then
                   *> the SYSOT JOB Number will be a COMP-X item
                   if pubcas-SYSOT-JOB-NBR-2 is numeric
                       *> 5 digit
                       move pubcas-SYSOT-JOB-JOBNUM-5 to disp-job-nbr
                       *> 7 digit
                       move pubcas-SYSOT-JOB-JOBNUM-COMPX
                           to disp-job-nbr
                       ",JN: "
                       disp-job-nbr  delimited by size
                   into ascii-data with pointer ws-idx1

               perform write-outfile        
               move 78-CAS-FUNC-GN  to pubcas-func
               perform call-pubcas
           move 78-CAS-FUNC-CLOS    to pubcas-func
           perform call-pubcas
       exit section. 

       call-pubcas section.
           if pubcas-FUNC = 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN
               *> Set the version to the current version
               if pubcas-VERSION <= spaces
                   move CURR-VERSION to pubcas-VERSION

           call "mvscaspb" using pubcas-area
           if pubcas-retcode > 8
               move pubcas-RETCODE to disp-rc
               move pubcas-RSNCODE to disp-rsn
               display 'call failed func ' pubcas-func ','
                                           disp-rc ',' disp-rsn
                                           ',' pubcas-file-status
           if pubcas-FUNC = 78-CAS-FUNC-OPEN
               if pubcas-VERSION is numeric
                   move pubcas-VERSION to ws-pb-get-version
                   move 1 to ws-pb-get-version
               if ws-pb-get-version >= 2
                   *> Store the type of spool control file
                   *> were are using
                   move pubcas-SPL-INFO-FILES-FORMAT
                     to ws-pubcas-spl-format
       exit section.      
       write-outfile section.
           write ASCII-DATA
           if ascii-file-status <> '00'
               display 'write output  failed '  ascii-file-status
       exit section     
       end program Program1.