DFLD-- Device Definition

There is a limit of 500 labelled DFLDs that can be defined for a single device page (DPAGE).

If physical paging is used, the limit of 500 applies to each physical page. A labelled DFLD which is not referenced by an MFLD in the MID or MOD does not count toward this limit. The DFLD limit is after any DO statement iterations.

There is a cumulative limit of 19,996 bytes for a pool area to store MID literals, MID default literals, MOD literals, DFLD literals and PF key data. If this limit is exceeded, MFSGEN error message MFSUT0L17 is issued. The lengths are cumulative and are the lengths of the literals plus six bytes of overhead for each literal. Some of the 19,996 bytes is used for labelled DFLD data so the actual maximum size is somewhat less.

DFLD for 3270 Display

Keyword Values 3270 Display DFLD Description
1st operand PASSWORD DFLD containing PASSWORD is ignored
literal Supported and edited. Length cannot exceed 133 bytes. The limit of EGCS DFLD literals (DBCS "G" literals) is 80 bytes.
POS row, column, ppage Supported and edited. A maximum of 12 physical pages can be defined.
LTH value Supported and edited. Cannot exceed 4094 bytes. The length is not checked to see if it exceeds the device capacity
PEN All values Ignored
NUM Not supported. Processed as ALPHA
OPCTL Table-name Partially supported. See the IF and TABLE statements in this section.
EATTR Highlight  
Color Supported and edited
Input validation Ignored
Programmed symbol sets Ignored
Outlining Keisen outlining supported with Japanese version of IMS Option only
EGCS Supported with Japanese version of IMS Option only.
MIX, MIXD Ignored. Mixed EGCS entry is always enabled with Japanese version of IMS Option unless EGCS is specified.

DFLD for 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
1st operand literal Supported and edited. Must not exceed 96 bytes if the LTH keyword is omitted. If LTH is specified, the limit is 87 bytes.
POS Row, column Supported and edited
ppage Not supported for printers
LTH value Supported and edited. The combination of row, column and length cannot cause a field to exceed the page width
ATTR YES, NO Ignored
EATTR All values Ignored