Create the Database

  1. On the Micro Focus Data - Main Menu panel, select option Environment Creation to display the Environment Creation panel.

    The Environment Creation panel contains the following options:

    • Linkedit All Modules - Do not execute this option in a standard installation where you have installed the loaded PDS from a sequential load data set. Submits jobs to linkedit all Data Manager object modules.
    • Insert Environment Information - Inserts information about the environment and submits a job that results in the source member: PPP.GGG.DDL (DB2NREC).
    • Calculate Tables Information - Execute this option only if you are installing for the first time. Submits a job to calculate the values of parameters PRIQTY, SECQTY, FREEPAGE, PCTFREE, and COMPRESS for all tables used by Data Manager.
    • Actualize All Tables - Execute this option only if you are installing for the first time. Submits a job to actualize the DB2 table sources used by Data Manager.
    • Create All Tables - Execute this option only if you are installing for the first time. Creates the DB2 tables used by Data Manager.
    • Create all Bind Packages and Plan JCL - Creates Data Manager DB2 and JCL to create packages and plan.
    • Submit all Bind Packages and Plan JCL - Submits the JCL. The binding of all packages and plans is performed.
    • Load Message and Business Protection std tables - Submits a job to load messages and Business Protection standard tables. This process is part of Database Population.
    • Load Process Ids and Classes Tables - Submits a job to load the process IDs and classes tables. This process is part of Database Population.
  2. If you have installed the loaded PDS from a sequential load data set, do not execute this option. Only if instructed to do so by Micro Focus, select option Linkedit All Modules to linkedit all Data Manager object modules. If you do linkedit all modules, exit your TSO session and start a new session before proceeding.
  3. Verify that the DB2 administrator has created a storage group and database, and has granted all the necessary authorizations to the database owner. A set of DDL samples creating those entities is provided with the product. The DDL to do this is IURDDSG and IURDDDB in the PDS PPP.GGG.DDL.
  4. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Insert Environment Information to insert information about the environment and to submit job CALCREC that displays the source member: PPP.GGG.DDL (DB2NREC).
    Note: The source member contains the estimated number of records for each table and index.
  5. Note the estimated number of records for each table and index, and evaluate the size of the environment values.
    • You must make your evaluation of the environment values as accurate as possible. DB2NREC is used in the following steps as a starting point in order to calculate the size of the tables. If the value in DB2NREC is too large, a space problem can result when creating tables later.
    • If the estimated number of records for a table or index is greater than 999,999, the batch job ends with return code "4," and a message containing the object name is issued in the job SYSOUT. If necessary, edit PPP.GGG.DDL (DB2NREC) to change the number of records before proceeding.
    • When you sample tables, the rules used to calculate the number of records assume that the sampling phase will be executed for all files. This is true if the environment is small, but if the environment contains thousands of files, the sampling could be executed only for some of the files, and the calculation criteria can change, so the actual number of records could be lower than the calculated one. This argument holds true for the following tables: ANURDLOG, ANURDSPE, and ANURDSPN (with their indices ANURDLOGX1, ANURDLOGX2, ANURDLOGX3, ANURDLOGX4, ANURDSPEX1, ANURDSPEX2, ANURDSPEX3, ANURDSPNX1, and ANURDSPNX2). A rule could be that all these files have the same number of records as ANURDFLF.
    • Execute this option only if you are installing Data Manager for the first time. If you are installing it to upgrade a previous release, see the topic Install Updates
  6. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Calculate Tables Information to submit the job IURCQTY.
  7. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Actualize All Tables to submit the job SINACTAT.
  8. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Create All Tables to submit the job SINCRTAT.
  9. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Create all Bind Packages and Plan JCL to submit the job SINACTAB.
    Note: This job may return error messages at the end of the output JCL. If an error message is displayed at the end of the output JCL, note the Return Code.
  10. On the Environment Creation panel, select the option Submit all Bind Packages and Plan JCL to submit a job to execute the binding for all packages and JCL plans to submit the job SINCRTAB.
    Note: This job may return error messages at the end of the output JCL. If you receive a Return Code of 0 after executing this JCL and the JCL in the previous step, the job was successful and the error messages can be ignored.