Use the user exit to determine the processing that should be done, as it provides an expanded range of options. Initially, the user exit is called to set the expiry check date and the high level qualifier used in the catalog search. Then, for each data set found, it is called again to decide if the data set should be:
Dataset information passed to MFCATMNTUE includes the expiry date (GETCT-EXPDT) and the last changed date (GETCT-CHG-DATE). The user exit is also called when the data set was not allocated for checking.
View the sample user exit program (mfcatmntue.cbl), which is located in the \src\enterpriseserver\exits sub-directory of your installation directory, to see how you can enhance the process.
If you compile the user exit using a different program name, use the MFCATMNTUE variable to specify the new name. (If you compile the program to MFCATMNTUE, you do not need to set the variable.)