ES_CAT_RETRY_WAIT Determines the amount of time (in seconds) to wait between attempts made to open a catalog file that has produced an error
when the initial attempt to open it was made.
ES_CAT_RETRY_COUNT Determines the number of attempts made to open a catalog file that has produced an error when the initial attempt to open
it was made.
ES_JES_FREE_SSTM_SYSOUT Frees the memory assigned to store details about each CICS spool file that you create using the CICS Spool Write API's, once
the spool file has been created.
ES_OPEN_CAT_ON_DEMAND Determines if additional catalogs (as specified using MFUSERCAT_NODE) are opened when the system starts, or only opened when
MF_ALIAS Specifies program aliases. Each set (pair) is 16 characters long - 8 characters for the program-name, and 8 characters for
the alias. You can specify up to 10 pairs. This list is searched first and thus can potentially override the built-in list.
If not found, the built-in alias table is searched.
MF_CHARSET Specifies which character set an enterprise server is to use.
MF_DUPJOBS Specifies whether jobs with duplicate names are allowed to run in parallel.
MF_FALLTHRUCHECK Specifies that MSS is to check that the main COBOL program ends by executing a GOBACK or STOP RUN.
MFJ_ALL_STEP_CHECK Use this variable to prevent any steps after a restart step that have conditions that refer to any steps prior to the restart
from running.
MF_JCL_AUDIT Specifies that audit information is written to the audit log when a catalog entry is deleted.
MF_JESPWR_EXIT MF_JESPWR_EXIT is used to pass JES2 and VSE PWR statements to a user exit, MFJESPWR. If this environment variable is set
the JCL execution engine will call the exit program, MFJESPWR, whenever a JES2 or VSE PWR statement is encountered. It passes
the contents of the JCL record plus Job and Job Step information . A sample MFJESPWR.cbl is included with the product.
MF_NODD Specifies what action MSS is to take at run time if a job step uses a file that has not been allocated.
MFJ_LEX_LOCATION Enables you to specify an alternative location for the storage of JCL lexigraphical files, which are created when a job is
parsed, and stored in the same directory as the job log by default. The alternative directory location must be accessible
by all regions that both submit and run jobs.
MFJ_STRICT_CASE Enables the case of physical file names passed to MVSCATIO by the catalog API (and other utilities such as MFCATXML and MVSPCRN)
to be maintained.
MFREXX_CHARSET Specifies the character set used by the REXX engine when working with hexadecimal strings or performing string comparisons.
MFREXX_LSEQ_RECSIZE_MAX Specifies the record length for the REXX EXECIO command when reading or writing a line sequential file that has been cataloged
with a record length of zero.
MFREXX_NOT Specifies one or more characters to be used for the NOT operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "¬".
MFREXX_OR Specifies one or more characters to be used for the OR operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "|".
MFREXX_CONCAT Specifies one or more characters to be used for the CONCAT operator in addition to REXX's default, which is "||".
MFUSERCAT_BASE_LOC If an entry in MFUSERCAT_LOC only specifies the file name of the user catalog rather than the full path and file name, use
this environment variable to specify where these catalogs are located.
MFUSERCAT_LOC Specifies the location and name of each additional catalog, matching the values provided in the MFUSERCAT_NODE value.
MFUSERCAT_NODE Specifies additional SMS, SPOOL and User catalogs.
SPOOL_TIMEOUT Enables greater control over record-lock retries by setting timeout and interval durations.