MFPLI00500 - MFPLI00519
MFPLI00501S Significant digits in "fixed-decimal-constant" exceeds the FIXED DECIMAL maximum precision.
The number of significant digits exceeds the implementation fixed decimal maximum precision or -fdmaxp.
MFPLI00502W The number of digits in "fixed-decimal-constant" exceeds the FIXED DECIMAL maximum precision; excess nonsignificant digits will be ignored.
The number of digits exceeds the implementation fixed decimal maximum precision or -fdmaxp.
MFPLI00503W The precision specified for argument variable-name exceeds the maximum when FLOAT DECIMAL is treated as FLOAT BINARY; reducing the precision to FLOAT DEC(16).
The specified precision requires Decimal Floating Point (DFP).
MFPLI00504E HEXADEC is not supported; defaulting to IEEE Float Binary.
HEXADEC is not supported.
MFPLI00505E The builtin-name built-in requires Decimal Floating Point (DFP); use the "-dfp" compile-time switch.
This built-in requires Decimal Floating Point (DFP).
MFPLI00506E The builtin-name built-in requires Decimal Floating Point (DFP) support; DFP is not supported on this platform.
This built-in requires Decimal Floating Point (DFP).
MFPLI00507S The builtin-name built-in argument must be of type FLOAT DECIMAL.
This built-in requires an argument of type FLOAT DECIMAL.
MFPLI00508S The MAXVAL and MINVAL built-ins only accept numeric arguments (FIXED or FLOAT).
This built-in requires a numeric FIXED or FLOAT argument.
MFPLI00509W The number of digits in the mantissa of "float-decimal-constant" exceeds the FLOAT DECIMAL maximum precision; excess nonsignificant digits will be ignored.
The number of digits exceeds the implementation float decimal maximum precision.
MFPLI00510E The builtin-name built-in is supported for type FLOAT DECIMAL only; Decimal Floating Point (DFP) "-dfp" must be in effect.
This built-in is supported type FLOAT DECIMAL only.
MFPLI00511E The builtin-name built-in requires argument #1 to be of type FIXED DECIMAL or FLOAT DFP.
This built-in requires argument #1 to be of type FIXED DECIMAL or FLOAT DFP.
MFPLI00512S Too many digits in the mantissa of FLOAT DECIMAL constant "FLOAT DECIMAL constant." for exponent 'Exponent character.'.
Too mant digits for exponent character; 'S' <= 7, 'D' <= 16, 'Q' <= 34 (DFP).
MFPLI00513E HEXADEC is not supported; defaulting to IEEE DFP.
HEXADEC is not supported.
MFPLI00514E HEXADEC is not supported; defaulting to MF BCD.
HEXADEC is not supported; defaulting to MicroFocus Binary Coded Decimal.
MFPLI00515E SQRTF is not supported under DFP.
SQRTF is not supported under DFP.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages