Starting the HACloud Session Server

You need to start the HACloud session server before you can use the HACloud TN3270 emulator. You do this with the help of the script.

To start the HACloud session server:

  1. Ensure that the installed Java is added to the PATH environment variable.
  2. Start the Enterprise Server region that runs the application you want to connect to.
  3. Open a terminal and set up the COBOL environment in it.
  4. Run the following to start the session server:

    Check the terminal for the messages that the Micro Focus HACloud Session Server has started.

  5. In addition, you can execute the following script in $COBDIR/bin which will register a system service named MFHACloud which will start the session server. Run this as root from a terminal that has the COBOL environment specified. You also need to specify an administrator user account to run the Enterprise Server:
    ./ ESadminID

    Where ESadminID is the administrator ID you have configured for Enterprise Server.