The MFFTPXIT user exit creates a log file containing FTP information for operations that transfer or change a file using the MIcro Focus File Transfer Protocol (MFFTP).
This user exit is called from a *.exit file specified at the end of an FTP job step. The data structure of the *.exit file record is defined in the mfftpxit.cpy copybook.
To enable the exit, set the MFFTPXIT control variable to point to the program that implements the exit. We provide a sample user exit program, MFFTPXIT.cbl, located by default in the $COBDIR\src\enterpriseserver\exits directory.
When MFFTPXIT is set and the FTP step returns a non-zero return code, it creates a *.out file in the directory set by the MFALLOC_LOC or MFFTP_TEMP_DIR environment variable. This *.out file is a copy of the FTP output file (*.op). You can use the *.out file to investigate the failure.
Neither the *.exit nor the *.out files are removed at the end of the job. Optionally, you can manually remove them after processing.