Batch Migration Process

The database migration process using MBDT consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a destination database and schemas using tools provided by your DBMS vendor.
  2. Unload data and the LOAD control statement from z/OS DB2 with DSNUTILB UNLOAD.
  3. Using Enterprise Server, create an enterprise server instance with Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) that also supports JCL applications.
  4. Configure your enterprise server instance by creating an ODBC XAR, and MBDT aliases.
  5. Copy the LOAD control statement to the MBDT loxL machine.
  6. Copy and catalog the unloaded DB2 data on the MBDT local machine.
  7. Using SQLTP2, execute DDL to create the tables in the new target database.
  8. Load the DB2 data into the new target database with SQLUTB, using the LOAD card generated on the mainframe.
  9. Using SQLTP2, execute DDL to create the DB2 constraints and indexes in the new target database.
Tip: To see a detailed example, review the Tutorial: DB2 Database Batch MIgration topic.