Although the MFDEMO application is supplied with your application software, you need to perform a number of tasks on the source files to prepare the application for execution:
cob DEMO001B.cbl -C "dialect(vsc24) noflag anim noobj charset(ascii) outdd(sysout 121 r e)" cob CDLIDEMO.cbl -C "dialect(mf) osvs cicsecm noflag charset(ascii) anim noobj" cob EXECDEMO -C "dialect(mf) cicsecm execdli noflag charset(ascii) anim noobj" cob DEMO001T.cbl -C "dialect(vsc24) noflag charset(ascii) anim noobj" cob RGHTJUST.cbl -C "dialect(mf) charset(ascii) anim noobj"
MFDEMO includes the demo90, demo91, and demo92 MFS files. To generate them, do one of the following:
mfims mfsgen demo90.mfs nocls mfims mfsgen demo91.mfs nocls mfims mfsgen demo92.mfs nocls mfims mfsgen print.mfs noclsOr,
for %i in (*.mfs) do mfims mfsgen %i nocls
MFDEMO includes the demo03dd DBD file, which requires generation. The generated files, dbdgen2.dat and dbdgen2f.dat, contain information extracted from the DBD source and formatted into a smaller structure optimized for faster access during execution. They are indexed files and can contain information for one or more generated DBD members.
mfims dbdgen demo03dd.dbd nocls echo(enderr,0,50)
MFDEMO includes the demo001t PSB file, which requires generation. The generated file, psbgen3.dat, contains information extracted from the PSB source and formatted into a smaller structure optimized for faster access during execution. This an indexed file, and can contain information for one or more generated PSB members.
mfims psbgen demo001t.psb nocls echo(enderr,0,50)
Enterprise Server supports two transaction types, named /CIC and /IMS respectively. They are defined in a provided resource definition file, dfhdrdat. When you register this resource definition file with Enterprise Server, it enables your enterprise server region to switch back and forth between CICS and IMS modes. This is required to run the MFDEMO application because IMS applications running on Enterprise Server use the automatic message processing region feature provided by our CICS technology.
In general, we recommend that you leave the installed dfhdrdat file intact in its default location, and copy a new instance of the file into your working directory.
caspcupg /dp=.
mfims imsdbu load demo03dd nocls
When you migrate an IMS application from the mainframe to Enterprise Developer, one of the required mainframe files is the stage 1 file containing your IMS transactions. In this demonstration, we have downloaded the MFDEMO stage 1 file for you, and then exported its contents to a flat text file, trancode.txt, which is included in the MFDEMO demonstration files. You need to create the standard data file used by Enterprise Server, imsgen2.dat, and import trancode.txt into it. To do both of these:
mfims stage1imp trancode.txt