MFPLI01300 - MFPLI01319
MFPLI01300S The REPLACEBY2 built-in second argument must be twice the length of the third argument.
MFPLI01301E The maximum supported value of insert-name(n) is 32,767.
MFPLI01302E The value of insert-name cannot be negative.
MFPLI01303S BYVALUE attribute is not supported with options(asm) when the -amode option is specified.
MFPLI01304E Duplicate specification of TYPE or LIKE for "insert-name". Former specification ignored.
MFPLI01305I The unqualified name "insert-name" was resolved to a structure member rather than a matching non-member declaration of the same name in a parent block.
MFPLI01306S The third argument of the LEFT, RIGHT, CENTERLEFT, and CENTERRIGHT built-in functions must be of type char(1) nonvarying.
MFPLI01307E The precision specified for the "built-in" built-in exceeds the implementation's limit or is less than 1. The maximum precision has been supplied.
MFPLI01308E The precision specified to the "built-in" built-in could not be evaluated as a restricted expression at compile-time. The maximum precision has been supplied.
MFPLI01309E The scale specified to the "built-in" built-in could not be evaluated as a restricted expression at compile-time. A value of zero has been supplied.
MFPLI01310E The scale specified to the FIXEDBIN built-in must be zero. Scaled FIXED BINARY is not supported. A value of zero has been supplied.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages