MFPLI00420 - MFPLI00439
MFPLI00420S Structures are not allowed in GENERIC descriptors unless declared as "type(x)".
MFPLI00421W The BIGENDIAN attribute should not be applied to named constants; ignored.
The BIGENDIAN attribute is a conflicting attribute.
MFPLI00422E Conversion of the value specified for the named constant "variable-value" resulted in an overflow.
The converted value is too large for the type and/or precision of the named constant.
MFPLI00423S The value specified for the named constant "variable-value" resulted in conversion error.
Conversion of the named constant value cannot be converted to the type of the named constant.
MFPLI00424S Argument to ENTRYADDR built-in must be an ENTRY variable or an EXTERNAL ENTRY constant.
Provide the correct type of arguments to ENTRYADDR.
MFPLI00425S The LOCATE statement requires a based variable with an implicit locator or SET (pointer-reference).
The LOCATE statement requires a based variable with an implicit locator or use of the SET option.
MFPLI00426S The LOCATE statement requires a based variable.
The LOCATE statement requires a based variable; non-based variables or expressions are not allowed.
MFPLI00427S An implicit locator applied to a based variable in a LOCATE statement must be a POINTER reference.
The based variable in LOCATE statement cannot be based on a pointer expression.!
MFPLI00428W String spans multiple files.
An INCLUDE file was processed without finding a closing quote.
MFPLI00429S "locator" cannot be used as a locator as it is not scalar.
The variable refers to multiple elements rather than a single element (scalar) that can be used as a locator.
MFPLI00430S Argument input-argument-number supplied to the built-in built-in is not computational.
All arguments supplied to the INLIST built-in must be computational.
MFPLI00431W The DIMACROSS attribute should only be applied to structures; ignored.
DIMACROSS cannot be applied to structures.
MFPLI00432S DIMACROSS and DIMENSION applied to "variable name" are conflicting attributes.
DIMACROSS cannot be applied to arrays.
MFPLI00433E This statement contains a duplicate definition of "identifier-name" and will be ignored.
is defined more than once in the current PROCEDURE or BEGIN block.
MFPLI00434E An entry descriptor with the ANY attribute and array dimensions is not allowed; ENTRY descriptor number entry-descriptor has been given the default type FLOAT DEC(6).
MFPLI00435W ENTRY descriptor number entry-descriptor has been given the default type FLOAT DEC(6).
MFPLI00436W This %%REPLACE statement is a duplicate of one that appeared previously. Please remove one of them.
MFPLI00437S Invalid syntax in a %%REPLACE statement. Check to see if the identifier appeared in another %%REPLACE statement with a different replace value.
MFPLI00438S Invalid picture specification. A character PICTURE specification may contain only A, X or 9.
MFPLI00439E Array bounds in generic descriptors must be specified by asterisks.
Generic descriptors cannot specify non-asterisk array bounds.
Parent topic:
MFPLI - PL/I Compiler Messages