Lists the Engine error messages from X150 through X199.
Restriction:This topic applies to Windows environments only.
X150: Referenced fields must be specified as NOT NULL. Before you can create a FOREIGN KEY, you must specify that the referenced fields involved are NOT NULL. You can do this through
the Create/Alter Table module, or by using the ALTER command.
X153: No space for locks. There is no space to record additional record locks. If the transaction requires many locks on the same table, it is a good
idea to lock the entire table, instead of attempting to lock each record. In multi-user XDB Server versions the size of lock
tables can be configured through the XDB Server Configuration program.
X156: Table/record currently locked by user at node. A lock conflict exists. A record or table lock on the object you are attempting to lock is held by the user at the node (workstation)
specified. Note: With CICS, you must commit or use the Dirty Read (DR) option.
X157: Cannot obtain exclusive lock or drop lock in isolation level 5 or 6. When working at isolation level 5 (dirty read) or level 6 (snapshot read), a transaction cannot acquire or drop exclusive
locks on any database object. Levels 5 and 6 are intended for read only. You cannot insert, update, delete, or alter database
objects at these levels. You can change the isolation level using the following command:
X158: Cannot obtain or delete table locks in isolation level 5 or 6. When working at isolation level 5 (dirty read) or level 6 (snapshot read), a transaction cannot acquire or drop table locks.
Levels 5 and 6 are intended for read only. You cannot insert, update, delete, or alter database objects at these levels. Tables
are accessible by other users.
X161: Not enough memory free on XDB Server to process request. The minimum contiguous memory block is a configurable parameter (0-64K) for the XDB Server. The XDB Server does not currently
have enough memory to process the request. Increase the size of the memory block. Increase the amount of free space on the
X164: Operation cannot be performed in isolation level DR or SR. The user is trying to perform an operation other than reading a record while in the Dirty Read (DR) or Snapshot Read (SR)
isolation level. Change to a different isolation level using the SET ISOLATION LEVEL command, or through Options.
X169: Attempted to examine the status of an un-executed command. An application issued a set of calls to the Server but not all were executed. An error exists in the application being run.
Make sure you are using the correct AuthID for your location, and that you are pointing to the correct server. If the application
is a Micro Focus program, please contact Micro Focus Technical Support.
X171: Foreign key already exists on field(s) specified. Only one FOREIGN key is permitted on any set of fields. For example, if building a foreign key on item (o_no) that references
the ORDERS table, you cannot build a another foreign key in the item (o_no) field.
X172: Cannot create directory on path path. An attempt to create a directory in the path specified failed. The path may already exist, or an attempt may have been made
to create a subdirectory for a directory that does not exist.
X178: Precision must be a value between 1 and 31. XDB Server accepts precision between 1 and 31. Precision is the total number of digits, including scale (number of decimal
places) permitted in a decimal field.
X179: Scale must be a value between 0 and the precision. XDB Server accepts precision between 1 and 31. Precision is the total number of digits, including scale (number of decimal
places) permitted in a decimal field. Scale cannot exceed the total number of digits permitted in the decimal field.
X180: Cannot truncate table file. When deleting all records from a table using the DELETE FROM table-name command, the tables and indices are simply truncated. An error occurred when attempting to truncate a file. Check your disk.
X181: Cannot truncate index file. When deleting all records from a table using the DELETE FROM table-name command, the tables and indices are simply truncated. An error occurred when attempting to truncate a file. Check your disk.
X186: Maximum number of open files exceeded. The system cannot process the current command because it is unable to open another file. You may need to close some queries,
remove some indices from your table, or change the limit on the number of concurrently open files. In DOS, the number of files
that can be concurrently opened by the system is specified in your computer's CONFIG.SYS file, as described in your Installation
X189: Source and Target locations have the same name. This error occurs when two locations with the same name exist in a system, and an attempt is made to copy a table from one
to the other. You should rename one of the locations before attempting the copy.
X190: Cannot copy table/view to itself. XDB Server does not permit the same table to be used as the source and target for a copy operation. This error may occur when
two databases with the same name exist in a system, and an attempt is made to copy a table from one to the other. Rename one
of the databases before attempting the copy.
X191: View definition too large for memory buffer. There is not enough memory to process a view definition. If you have multiple queries open, or if you have unnecessary programs
loaded into memory, close or remove them, and try again.
X192: Error in source view definition. Unable to copy view because of an error in the source view definition. You may need to redefine the view in the source database
before attempting to copy it.
X197: Expression not allowed on left side of set clause. The left-hand side of a SET clause must be a valid keyword, such as DATABASE or BACKWARD LOG. Expressions, when permitted,
may appear only on the right-hand side of the SET clause.
X199: Illegal foreign key constraint. A FOREIGN KEY cannot be referenced by another FOREIGN KEY. If you want A to reference B, and B to reference C, then instead
have A reference C and B reference C.