Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The SQLERRD(1) element in SQLCA contains the XDB error code returned by an SQL process. If you are running in DB2 mode, the DB2-equivalent of this error code is contained in SQLCODE (See the topic SQLCODE (DB2 Mode)).

To determine the appropriate error code, you must translate it into an XDB error message ID using the formula listed in the table below.

SQLERRD(1) Value Error Type Formula Msg File
-1 to -650 Database Engine Error Take absolute value and prefix with "X". XDBRES.XRR
-651 to -2000 Network Error Take absolute value, subtract 650, prefix with "N". XDBNET.XRR
-2001 to -3000 Not Used -- --
-3001 to -3999 Remote DBMS Error Take absolute value, subtract 3000, prefix with "L". XDBMF.XRR
-4000 to -4,100 Distributed DBMS Communication Take absolute value, add -26,000, and prefix with "L". XDBMF.XRR