Tutorials: HCO for SQL Server (HCOSS)

Includes tutorials that guide you through the process of using the HCOSS toolset to perform a DB2 database migration, and to use the Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT) to perform a DB2 database migration. They also provide three different scenarios in which you migrate a DB2 application to a SQL Server application.


These tutorials are written from the perspective that all of the following is true. Specific instructions for setting up your environment to adhere to these assumptions is found in the Before you begin a tutorial section that follows:

  • Windows File Explorer is set to show file names and extensions.
  • Windows User Account Control (UAC) is turned off.
  • You are running the latest version of Micro Focus Enterprise Developer, which has been installed on your local machine using default installation settings.
  • You have installed and can access a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server.
  • The Eclipse IDE is started on your local machine, and the appropriate Perspective and View are open..
  • Eclipse options are set to build projects automatically.
  • Eclipse Enterprise Server preferences have been set to automatically start and stop the associated enterprise server region when debugging, and dynamic debugging is enabled.
  • You have addressed all of the items in the Before you begin a tutorial section below.

Before you begin a tutorial

Install Microsoft SQL Server
To complete any of the HCOSS tutorials, you must have Microsoft SQL Server, including the SQL Server Management Studio, installed and configured on your machine. For information on supported versions, see the HCO for SQL Server (HCOSS) section of the Database Management Systems (DBMSs) topic.
Set Windows File Explorer options
These tutorials assume that your Windows File Explorer options are set to use the Details layout, and to show file name extensions. See your Windows documentation for more information.
Turn off Windows User Account Control (UAC)
Depending on the Windows UAC setting on your machine, HCOSS exhibits different behavior for some features. The differences in behavior are dependent on things such as whether or not you are logged in as a standard user or an administrator, whether or not you are a member of the Windows Administrators group, and how you start the HCOSS user interface. These tutorials assume that you have turned UAC off by setting it to Never notify. See your Windows documentation for details.
Start Enterprise Developer
Start Enterprise Developer using the default workspace, which is %USERPROFILE%\eclipse-workspace. If you need instructions to get Enterprise Developer started on your local machine, see To start Enterprise Developer.
Open the Team Developer Perspective and Application Explorer View in Eclipse
When you start Enterprise Developer for the first time, the Team Developer perspective starts automatically by default, and shows the Application Explorer view. If this is not the case, open the Team Developer perspective as follows:
  1. From the Eclipse IDE, click Open Perspective Open Perspective.
  2. On the Open Perspective dialog box, select Team Developer (default), and then click Open.

In addition, the Enterprise Development Projects system should be loaded in the Application Explorer view. To confirm this:

  • In the Application Explorer view, you should see the Enterprise Developer system. If the system is not shown, to load it:
    1. Right-click in the Application Explorer view, and then click Add System(s).
    2. In the Add System(s) dialog box, select ED System and click OK.
    3. Expand the top-level Enterprise Developer entry in the Application Explorer view.
    4. Right-click Enterprise Development Projects; then click Load Application.
  • Otherwise, expand the Enterprise Developer system. An entry titled Enterprise Development Projects should appear indicating that the system is loaded.
Set Eclipse to build automatically
By default, the Eclipse Build Automatically option is turned on, which means that Eclipse builds a project automatically each time a change is made. To ensure that this Build Automatically is turned on:
  1. From the Eclipse Main Menu, click Project.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If the Build Automatically menu option has a check mark to its left, it is already turned on. No further action is required.
    • If the Build Automatically menu option does not have a check mark to its left, click the option to turn it on.
Set Enterprise Server debug options
  1. From the Eclipse main menu, click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the left pane, expand Micro Focus, and click Enterprise Server.
  3. Set the following options to Always, and then click Apply and Close:
    • Automatically start the associated server
    • Automatically stop servers started by Eclipse when closing Eclipse
    • Automatically enable dynamic debugging


These HCOSS tutorials are not interdependent and may be done in any order: